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These are all excellent reasons for Boehner to not allow Issa to be a committee chair, which itself is another of the many reasons for Boehner to no longer be Speaker of the House.

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lovely- time to murder Bill Gates

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I wouldn't <i>leak</i> on Issa if his company office building was on fire.

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i too am a sad but unrepentant cumberbitch.

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mr fuflans spent the holidays figuring out how to buy a car starter (thanks mom!) that wasn't viper. he finally has one, but it was a lot of work.

asshole is richer than Croesus and stupider than the cyclopes.

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Hey, that may be it! WebMD & Wiki both describe my symptoms and conditions as that. Thanks, Doc!!

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They keep on using that word, "secure." I do not think it means what they think it means.

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I wouldn't trust this guy with my grocery list. WTF? OOPS! ChillBill beat me to it. Great minds think alike.

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His idea of job security.

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where there's smoke...

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Issa is in the basement garage of the Watergate Hotel as we speak, selling off private data to Mr Beeks

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The NSA probably knows more about my health than I do. And I wish they would tell me what's making my heel sore. So far as a stolen ID I have no money and a credit rating that would evoke laughter if anyone tried to use it.

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I must have caught a contact high from Emily Miller. That damned sponsored post keeps following me all over teh wonket

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Arsonist libulz!

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