Rubio? really? that his favorite? Rubio?

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Hear! Hear!

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And usually dumber than a bag of rocks.

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Early Mesopotamian Economics libel!!!!!

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There are any number of people down here who would try to take you out behind the woodshed and beat the crap out of you for even SUGGESTING such a thing. Trust me — they vote Republican.

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God willing he could take the place of wee, neck-bearded Ross "Don't" Douthat.

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Let's not leave out Douthat.

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I don't see any photos of his boy band, so here is one.From this "upstanding" and "reputable" source: (a very lurid read)http://www.phibetaiota.net/...

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The weird thing is that no one has done a really serious look at how Trump has learned from, and adopted the marketing style of, Vince McMahon.

I was around to actually see the initial interactions between Trump and McMahon in the late 1980s. At the time, I was a partner in a small video production company in Stamford, CT, and we did a ton of work for the WWF (now known as WWE...). During the run up to Wrestlemania IV, Trump was engaged to participate in the PR leading up to the event, and it was really amazing to see him transform over the short period covering Wrestlemania IV and V, from a fairly buttoned-down business-type who sat behind a desk and read his lines off the prompter to a full-participant in Vince's "say the most outrageous thing you can think of... and SCREAM it for even more effect!" methodology.

Trump was fascinated by McMahon's style, and of course by the millions he was raking in at that time. if you look closely at Trump's career, you can see a pretty distinct change in his own PR, as well as where and how he looks to make money, following his introduction to the methods of Vince McMahon.

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So his kids could watch:

Raul Julia took the role of M. Bison from the Street Fighter film as a gift to his children. He already knew he was dying and wanted to earn a decent final salary as a legacy to his surviving family members. He let his sons choose his last role from the ones he was currently being offered, and they, fans of the series, chose that one. And did he give himself a send-off. Fans of Raul Julia weren't pleased that he was sent off with such a horrible movie... but those that could slog through the crap he had to deal with were treated to one of the most DELICIOUS supervillains ever.

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I did love him in that. One of my favorite roles of his was as Jane Fonda's ex-husband and hair dresser in The Morning After. Not the greatest film ever, but I did love him in it. Also, Jeff Bridges, yum.

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If Cruz succeeds he will actually usurp the nomination himself backed by masses of voters who would normally call him by ethnic slurs I'm not gonna bother writing. The Canada thing will be moot.Of course this is a fatal result for the GOP. Of the candidates remaining, Cruz is least liked and least electable in the general. The GOP has nothing but bad choices; conceed control to the Rebs of the Tea Wing, burn their bridges and broker a Bush/Rubio ticket or let Trump turn it into his personal ego booster. To sorta quote one of their supreme beings, they are in deep do-do.

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Another rambling rant alert.... (stealing) Trump is not running for president.Trump is ripping off the Koch Bros. nuts and feeding them to the mob.The Rove machine depends on maintaining a mask of reasonableness and a widely held set of 'principles' across the spectrum of American society. This is actually a marketing strategy, rather than a political one.

These 'principles' are seen in the limited number of buzzwords and catch phrases which make up the GOP's rhetoric. These are repeated in varied sequence, stimulating emotional responses in low education voters. Pavlov did it. When done under pressure, this dissolves into word salad. Benghazi. Once the audience is trained, the same stimuli can be repeated indefinitely. Welfare queen. Obama. Standard marketing techniques transposed into politics, with an aim towards successfully selling a candidate, rather than taking a political stand. See Postman's "Amusing Ourselves to Death." He called this in the late 60s.

Marketing is susceptible to hype, because it is hype. Success is judged in positive polling, which reflects response to the message, not the candidate. Candidates are fungible.Trump exploits this vulnerability. He is not concerned with being elected. He is merely destroying the other guy's empire. He does this by maximizing hype, which leaves no room for candidates who must actually garner votes to hide their vapidness. From war to Jesus, he seeks not just a positive response to stimulus but an ecstatic emotional response. 'Telling it like it is.' Emotional gratification.Under educated citizens see this as validation of their anger, without connecting it to the actual causes of their misery. The more fortunate citizens, who do not see themselves as part of the Bubba base, begin to flinch and de-laminate the machines cohesion. The base peels off in layers.

Throw in religious fervor, and you soon have sectarian infighting, holy wars and purges. The extreme becomes the ideal. Your brand falls apart. Your shills can't deliver. More infighting.

Before interactive media, this could be contained. In meme and comment land, the result is confetti. Their beloved polls , always suspect, have become part of the market scheme, rather than a performance metric. Chaos.

Trump may hang around for the actual nominating convention, just to rub their noses in how he destroyed them. By September, the GOP will have ceased to be viable. Their ALEC programmed legislators will be left to swing in the wind, like Snyder.If they manage to cheat their way to some success, the emotional needs of their base will not be met.

Trump may be remembered as the man who broke the Fascist movement in America. Without firing a shot.

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Although now that I think of it, he's probably good at the part where you rattle off the evening's specials you have memorized.

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Damn! Bravo, also, too.

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Funny how to " Liberals" Trump is way out " Right " yet the Neoconservatives /Conservatives, Tea /Party Koch oppose him.Evangelical leaders in Iowa put out ," Stop Trump".Being a big mouth etc is how the urban ( " New York values ") Trump beat the creepy GOP lineup at their own game. I think its hilarious. Maybe some political correctness types should take this into account ,and be gleeful, instead of disdainful .

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