Its from This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow so i imagine its meant to be over the top and inaccurate.

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I thought it was the swelling under the armpit and in the groin of victims of bubonic plague.

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It’s a prehistoric Elephadonkus Brookensis. Stupidest animal that ever lived. They died out when the climate became wet enough to form mud puddles, as they would fall over in them and drown.

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If everybody who knew Brooks ignored him and everybody who didn’t know Brooks ignored him, at least we would waste less time.

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I am totally supportive of the red states voting for Democrats. The other part has been tried and look where it got us.

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Not that I don't scream at my radio from time to time but I still listen to a lot of NPR. On balance they are pretty responsible, they let people say some pretty obvious lies and fail to push back but I would rather that than have them lose access to every Republican.

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I pretty sure it's snark. Referring to how Nazi Germany and the USSR met in the middle of Poland to jointly erase it from existence, each of them getting half.

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There once was a liar named BrooksWho gave cover to a party of crooksHe bespoke a convictionWhich in truth was all fictionIntended only for selling his books

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It's a huge ass at both ends.

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Bobo is the main reason I cancelled my subscription to the Times years ago.

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THANK YOU + thank you Wonkette, I can't do PBS or NPR anymore because of these absurd-ists. Then I visit wonkette, am reminded why I love you all so much and move right along xo

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Believe it. Crossword editors are sneaky like that, they love to do Easter Eggs I'm sure of it. May they rule us with benevolence and good humor.

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No, I'm sorry that doesn't work, because that's two completely different countries with very different histories, and cultures. Maybe a civil war reference is more appropro and I am not ready to say that's the path we're headed down, nowhere near.

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When I saw the headline my first thought was, "I'm certain the children of members of Congress couldn't possibly do any worse than their parents, and might even do better. Let's fucking GO FOR IT!" But no. That's not what this was. That's not what this was at ALL.

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It's an elephonkey. Cool.

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Bobo is a great example of a Republican with enough of a conscience to reject Trumpism but not enough brains to understand that Trump is a symptom of what's wrong with the Republican Party, not the cause. With all of the Bannons, Kings, Millers, Boltons, Pences, Cruzs, etc. who predate Trump's arrival out there, it's beyond idiotic to think that Trump is the root of the GOPs Fascism.Here's a better idea: everybody in every state vote blue and then we'll have a better Congress.

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