Charge of the Light Brigade libelz!!1!

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We're thinking of fixing up the lowere level to accommodate some of the American refugees who might decide to come north if Trump is elected. Both of my kids and all of my daughter's and my in laws are American. I know some of them are Trump supporters. I'm very glad that we are no longer within driving distance. I'm not all that skilled at keeping my opinions to myself.

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Gee, mister zig-zag. Ripping off Pink Floyd now. More or less. You are not clever, nor do you have any originality.

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The truth hurts, Herr Truth Squad.

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Just saying, those CCC weinie roasts must be getting a little testy about now.

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To me the big appeal of Drumpf, I think, is emotional. That's why he seems not to tarnish with his outrageousness. And, in the feel good of his charisma and his crowd pleasing lines, it is easy to project what you want onto him.

Look up the halo effect. The halo effect suggests that judgments of others are based on first impressions. People we initially are attracted to, we tend to give the benefit of the doubt even when shown all of their dirty laundry.

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Ronald Reagan bankrupted the country and enshrined trickle down economics: cut taxes for the rich, borrow to make up for the shortfall in revenue, cut social spending to ineffectually address the ballooning deficit, and blame liberal give away to the undeserving poor for the out of control deficit. He was not a good president.

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Yours is a loony and fringe opinion. I suggest you visit Eastern Europe and view all the statues erected to honor Reagan, the great liberator -- the man who defeated the evil empire without having to fire a shot.

Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the 20thC. That may be hard for Leftist dupes and fellow travelers to swallow, but in the final analysis, facts overcome your brand of politically-biased lunacy.

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How many times did Ronald Reagan raise taxes?

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How much did the deficit and the public debt increase under Ronald Reagan?

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Reagan cut taxes. When he entered office, the top marginal federal income tax rate was 70%. He got the Democrat Congress to vote to lower it to 28%. As a result, the economy boomed for 20+ years. And, during Reagan's presidency, federal tax revenue actually increased! (Same phenomenon occurred under Coolidge and Kennedy following their tax cuts. This is what supply-side economics is all about. Lower tax rates spur economic growth, which in turn creates more -- not less -- tax revenue. You can look it up, but doing so would force you to confront your economic ignorance and your political prejudices.)

The Democrat Congress was cowed by Reagan's massive electoral victory, and went along with tax cuts. Unfortunately, Reagan couldn't get the Dems to curb their enthusiasm for entitlement spending. Meanwhile, Reagan was rebuilding the military after Carter had let it wither. Reagan consciously set out to win the Cold War, and he succeeded. He knew that the Soviet economy would collapse if the Rooskies tried to compete with the USA in terms of Reagan's military build-up, and Reagan was correct.

In the end, deficits did increase under Reagan and the Democrat Congress -- but they were puny as compared to what we have experienced under the current regime.

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Uh... right.

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I suspected your thinking lacked substance. Instead of historical facts, you recite political talking points. You are the prototypical low-information voter.

I am sorry for you. It must be terribly frustrating not to be able to think critically or debate cogently. But, hey, without guys like you, where would Dems get their votes?

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Has he been asleep since 1980?

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McCain doesn't automatically deserve respect simply for his military service, which was shitty, by all sane accounts.

I've fucking had it with people using my (or any other vet's) service to make themselves look more patriotic than thou.

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