The divide is not between the narcissists and the institutionalists. It’s between the people who want power for power’s sake, and the people who want power to use it to help the country. At my core I believe that’s the key difference between the leadership of the two parties; everything else is window dressing.

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I can't keep up with these idiots and their 'elitist' alma maters. I stand corrected. Thx for the clarification.Oh, Dennis De Soupcan and Laura Ingraham went to Dartmouth (like that's an accomplishment) and are another pair of numbskulls who whine about 'librul 'lites'.

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That's a good line. The value:cost proposition of some of these private colleges and universities has to be pretty marginal, and not just the sketchy for-profits.

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Maybe he should write a book, cheat on his latest wife with a new research assistant, then get divorced and marry that one.

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...oh the confidence of the mediocre white man...

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After watching David Brooks choke up at the beginning of the inauguration, literally in tears, (as was I). I have to say that I can’t help but have a little affection for ol’ Brooksy. I suspect that Dok does too. My main criticism of Brooks is his sloppy intellectualism, as Dok noted. However, after the last 4 years, it is nice to be able to disagree with someone politically without despising them. You may now poke fun at me.

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Bonus upvote for the use of “all y’all”. 😁In all seriousness, I prefer that idea too.

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There is an official college course on Bullshit, can’t recall the precise professor or university but the course materials are free for all. I think Biden should sign an executive order making this course mandatory for...the idiots, somehow. Just wanted you to know your coined phrase is now university-endorsed. Hee

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I used to be upset by political apathy. Now I just don't care.

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And a man named Kierkegaard, who kept bittin' the 'eads of wickets.

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Sounds like you ran into lots of "legacy admissions".

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Will he convert to Judaism and fuck age-appropriate women for Joe?

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I would have never been able to attend an "elite university" without receiving a metric fuckton of financial aid support.

Hell, I wouldn't have been able to graduate from my local community college (where I attended after flunking out of said "elite university") without receiving a metric fuckton of financial aid support!

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I know a lot of people who went to University of Dayton, which is where kids who went to Catholic school end up b/c they can't into any place good.

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Calling Lost Cause Mitch an "institutionalist" rings out a little like calling a serial molester a "cassanova." Then again, there are some among us who see Brooks as "intellectual."

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