Also the Law School, home of various people named Posner and their charming law-and-econ chums. Someday maybe someone will give the College a $100 million endowment so it can lob snowballs with rocks in them at the Milton Friedman and Gary Becker Center for Insatiable Carnivorous Rapacity. <br /><br />Either way, Yale loses.

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To be fair to David the Serious Clown, if there's one group of people on this planet that might actually be able to learn <em>anything</em> about humility from him, it may just be found among the student body at Yale.

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At least Hahvahd didn't see fit to have Her Nooningtonness teach Brevity.

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You don't need it up there among the 1%

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He'll have to write a book on his experiences, like William F. Buckley's <i>God and Upper White Class People at Yale.</i>

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You're confusing Yale with that midwestern intellectual place, whatsitcalled, the Milton Friedman Institute of Unbridled Greed.

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Humility and David Brooks that does not involve a whip and branding iron applied to Brooks is not that interesting.

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