not to mention china which is really not helpful.

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damn romney is just looking worse and worse.

all the crap he's supposed to do well - all those Important Business Management Skills - seem to completely elude him.

mr. fuflans has been saying for months now that mitt's an untalented and uninspiring scion of political power whose success is vastly over-rated and likely not of his own making. i've been saying he MUST have some business talents - if nothing else.

once again, mr. fuflans is probably right.

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oh and here's a thing, mr. special relationship:

the current republican party and your stated positions make the BNP look left wing.

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How many's that leave? Zero? Yes, zero sounds about right.

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This is starting to remind me of <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Mornington_Crescent_%28game%29" target="_blank">Mornington Crescent</a>.

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And of course OBL's death changed it back. Or something.

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"Romney advisers responsible for European policy..."

I'm still not buying this whole "Romney has foreign policy advisers" thing.

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Mitt, my friend, if I may point something out to you:

<strong>YOU ARE NOT THE FUCKING PRESIDENT</strong>, Barack is.

Clear things up for you?

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But that was <em>different</em>.

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