The rate we're going his obit will be thuggish and narcissistic. Bigly.

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He'll get the Sarah Palin Memorial Quitter's Medal. Gotta take what you can.

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That's also not lawful. As if that actually mattered.

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not sure who you're talking about . . . but may i assume it's a cop?

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Eric Andre or Muamar Qaddafi, who can tell?

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we'll see what his new job is, but now he won't have his badge to back him up

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His skin color won't help matters either.

Let's see how long that takes for him to register.

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And if there isn't. There will be in 5, 4, 3…

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You forgot the lazy poors!

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No doubt.If he thinks he's going to make a million dollars selling that book he's in for a rude awakening because his fans are illiterate.

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professed Christian

professed is the operative word. More accurater likely ...self professed...

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He's really crazy. Certifiable. A murderer and torturer to boot.

Addendum:I read the N.Y.T's magazine article about Clarke's tenure. 4 deaths, two egregious examples of prisoner abuse resulting in homicide on Milwaukee P.D's part, two extremely suspicious deaths whose entire circumstances were BURIED, HIDDEN, DISSAPPEARED. I think it's fair to call 4 murders, one of them the murder of a newborn baby, committed under the auspices of Clarke, as Sociopathic acts. Sociopathy/ Murder/ TORTURE = Crazy.

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I say " Posessed. "

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Key difference: You actually have a soul.

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There ya go. It takes all kinds to make a (shitty) world.

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