Bless my mom's financial adviser. She re-balanced mom's portfolio a while back, and mom's only down 8% from 1 year ago.

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Let's see, wussified, "back in my day," George Soros...Yup: BINGO!

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I'm astonished Clarke hasn't come right out and said George Soros created the coronavirus in his underground lair. The one from which Diabolik operated before he was encased in exploding molten gold and which was then abandoned, I guess, but which Soros has now taken over and refurbished. Because Soros is behind everything.I wistfully dream sometimes about all right wing conspiracy theorists being rounded up and forcibly confronted with reality in re-education camps, but that'd be too fiendishly cruel. To the camp staff.

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If not for the U.S. flag stuff on his "uniform," I'd think that guy was a North Korean admiral.

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Wait, I thought that there was no CRISIS, that it was FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!

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I always thought of Soros as more a Court of Owls type. Rich people who use their money to get away with murder.

I'd ask for a right-wing comic book writer, but then I remembered Chuck Dixon's run of Nightwing discussed at length the economic factors in crime, and even addressed gentrification during No Man's Land. So, even right-wing comic book writers are better than our right wing?

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Okay, that needs to be made into a filk:

You can tell by my worn-out sluggish walkI'm a Boomer man, no time to talk

Okay, I've got nothing. Other than "Do not try, to understand, the DC Times' effect on man"

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Maybe Clarke is fine with corn cobs but that's his business.

And they say libs want to control everything. I think this example of SER's respect for Coo-coo Clarke's choices is admirable.

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Actually, those old tattered wash clothes, your wife said she was going to throw out, but instead stashed them in the back of the linen closet, make great ass rags, and they are washable!

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Is he going to be charged for any of the deaths that occurred on his watch?

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Taller, also too.

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Richer, anyway.

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Maker's Mark and strawberry poptarts.

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It's a floor polish AND a dessert topping! CRISIS AND a FAKE NEWS

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Or that surly waiter you got that time at TGI Fridays....

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They really are determined to "prove they are right" even if it means killing themselves and everyone else huh?

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