His insatiable womanizing scares his target females off.Anyway, his acolytes have this culture of entitlement. They THINK they should automatically get girls who look like Morgan Fairchild in her prime, based simply on their genetic profile.

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My father heard that a lot growing up in Alabama. It really angered him when he got older, seeing how hypocritical it was.

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Yes, but Dick Cheney is standing by as the greeter, as "Family Guy" observed once...

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robbing them and raping "the" women? not "their" women? jeezus, have the white people lost control of their women already?

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plus, it's on fire. his dumpster is always on fire.

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You have to applaud them on their ability to speak shit gossip about people while sounding like they are just caring and concerned too, like, "I have a prayer request for so and so" and when asked why(of course why is asked) out the gossip comes, "Oh you haven`t heard, ermagerd blah blah".

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2nd paragraph - THIS!!!!!!

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I'm not sure if this calls for *golf clap* or *bent knee adoration*. Guess I'll just upvote...

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Frank Zappa always gets an upvote!

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Yankees think "bless your heart" is the worst thing southerner can say, but it ain't.

True Southerners build passive aggressive insults like a boyscout fire.

My mama says "she's had a hard life" when she's really being hateful.

Like "well, she couldn't help but be a whore. Her mama was one too. You know no one knows who her daddy is. Bless her heart. She's had a hard life. We should pray for her."

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A real missed opportunity!

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Why is it the "White Supremacists" are so very, very far away from being any kind of "supreme"? They're not even "good."

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What is wrong with his face?Bad face lift?Botox accident?

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David Duke is being outbred? Hard to imagine why, with his tasteful sartorial preferences and all.

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i have had more white people do evil to me(stabbed, shot at, robbed, cheated on, and lots of general violence) than any persons of color. this individual is totally insane, and should be institutionalized immediately.

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