Oh sure, that much I knew.

Once I was talking with a tour guide in Ireland, and I mentioned that I hadn't known that Gaelic was still spoken to such a great extent there; I thought it was a dying language, like Yiddish.

To my surprise, he had no idea what Yiddish was, although when I mentioned that it included words like "schmuck," that he was familiar with.

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It's News to me.

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Count Blah is yet to be heard from.

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Plea bargain. The original charge involved a noose.

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Irish isn't dead or dying, but it's pretty damned sick. Main problems are: (a) the remaining Irish-speaking areas are out in the rural/coastal areas where there are precious few jobs; (b) the schools have been teaching it as a boring dead language like Latin for 90 years and turned several generations off it. It's very similar to many Native American languages in that respect. Time will tell if it lives or dies. Níl Éireannach mé, ach tá chairde éireannaigh go leor agam agus táim ag foghlaim an Ghaelige.

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Hungarian PM Viktor Orban?

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Marine Le Pen?

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Equating Nathan Birnbaum with Joseph Goebbels? Seriously? You actually think that's appropriate?

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You haven't done your homework.

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Wow. Brilliant yet terrifying.

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The question is .... What's wrong with the people who are supporting Donald Trump?

Why are people paying attention to this ass hole? He's nothing but Biff from Back to the Future


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Upfist for "Trumpenproletariat".

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Huey Lewis?

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What's with the bow tie?

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"Nail 'em with noodles!"

True story: In 1989, my then roommate and I decided to have a Hannukah dinner. Even though she was Jewish (still is), this here Irish-Italian-recovering-Catholic girl was talked into making the brisket, the chicken soup, and the kugel. When I asked my roommate if she could make the brisket using her mom's recipe, she said her mom couldn't cook one to save her life. I cooked all day, and she sauntered in around 5PM. At least she made the latkas (sp?), using a boxed mix. I kind of did want to assault her with kugel.

The brisket was fantastic, by the way. I got a recipe from one of my nail clients. And now you know the rest of the story.

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