You have been foretold as a bag of dicks come to pester our house with dickiness. Hi, Dok, if you read this, can we officially equate Disqus “I disagree with this user” to mean “ This dude is boring/shallow/hateful/just pissed in the punch bowl.”?

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IMO Mob Rule was a decent post Ozzy Black Sabbath album.

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Apparently the Northern Italians still feel that way to some degree.

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Instead of saying "Thank goodness not all, wish there had been more" it's "not all, therefore problem solved, nothing to see here, go home".

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I remember seeing David Horowitz declaiming on my electric tee vee machine back in the 70s as a consumer reporter with his own show. My, how he has changed.

Follow the money.

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Different David Horowitz.

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Imagine him getting sent into the forest to look for truffles.... and finding a Clinton a la Jeanine Pirro.

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Shit, I was thinking of the dipshit Klan wannabes in Alabama who killed that poor guy in the 80s, back when I was in college. His mom filed a wrongful death suit and won their Klan chapter's building. I think she sold it for something like $6M.

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Is that slimebucket still alive?

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thank you!

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If white people do it, that makes it civilized. Just like how if Trump jumps up on the table and takes a dump in the casserole, that makes it presidential. Sarcasm tag.

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"This statement is perhaps the most malicious libel ever uttered by an American president against his own country."

No, I think Trump owns this description.

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That "white people ended slavery" argument is clever. "Your Honor, I am innocent since I am no longer robbing the bank."

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In his younger days, Horowitz was a sucker for far lefty politics and now he is a sucker for far righty politics--what this tells me is, after then and now Horowitiz is just a sucker and a dumb one at that

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Horowitz's notoriously anti-black. He always finds an opportunity to justify slavery and segregation and paint black people as a monolithic people who are violent and low educated and the fault of all of the US's problems internally. There's nothing dishonest about recapping what smear merchant Horoshit said, he was literally apologizing for the lynchings and trying to make white people victims somehow......yeah its not all about you.

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