Its the same guy.

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Precisely! 👍😀I picked the scarier, more disgusting looking version of Matt Frewer.😂

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Southeastern Washington has the same problem- the 4th District is currently repped by NRA owned and operated appliance Dan Newhouse, who did at least vote yes to validate the 2020 election results and for TFG's second impeachment.

But in every other respect he's a piece of shit bog standard modern republican, except that he's being primaried by some dead eyed-looking fascist that likes to advertise with lots of PANIC WORDS so you'll vote for his big overt fascism over old Uncle Dan's quiet fascism.

Fuck 'em, I hope they both lose.

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Most presidents are glad to get out of the relentless spotlight when they leave office, but not a pathological attention whore like Trump.

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And now we know why Trump hates him so much.

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This literally happens regularly down the end of my street here in Toronto!

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Has anyone pointed out to our fine passel of Georgia hopefuls that Trump's endorsements almost never result in a win in the general election?

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If it comes down to using the new legislative powers to just overturn the results, the lege might very well blink first. Abrams and Warnock are going to be all over that state, together and separately, next year, and the entire country will be watching.

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Asking? Demanding. Remember, whichever Republican loses the primary is going to accuse the other of cheating. Send those letters from all over the country demanding an audit.

And not just any old audit. An Arizona audit.

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Oh good. It's not bigotry. It's plain old-fashioned high school mean girl. From the high school mean girl who never graduated.

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Anyone notice how the vaccinations graph looks like an erect penis, and the deaths graph has a real flaccid vibe to it?

Or is that just me?

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We have coyotes roaming our streets because some ultramaroon keeps feeding them.

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I another week, Perdue will be running against Kamp. Or Komp? Or Kimp?

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YOU would always be welcome on my island. I could have unrivaled Wonk Meets.

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Thank you!!!!!

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She would ragdoll him. But it would be soooooo glorious to witness.

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