<i>In case you missed that: The FBI is investigating harassment that&rsquo;s connected to the director of the CIA having an affair, and one of its officers is stomping around Congress wearing a tin foil hat, telling Eric Cantor about the big conspiracy to keep the Kenyan Marxist in office.</i>
&quot;It was [Director of National Intelligence] Clapper who told the White House late Wednesday, with Obama learning about it a day later. A senior administration official defended the decision not to notify the president earlier, saying that staff &#039;needed to get their arms around&#039; the matter before briefing Obama.&quot; ~ <a href="http://www.independent.co.u..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/...">http://www.independent.co.u...
How could well-educated and apparently worldly people send incriminating information via email? EMAIL? Especially when the CIA was involved? Did no one learn anything from the hacking of Sarah Palin?
It&#039;s now much easier to see why the automatic defense cuts from &quot;sequestration&quot; would have such a devastating effect on military preparedness: these flag-rank jerkwads wouldn&#039;t be able to afford the extra staff who actually do their jobs while generals are off in their tents fapping to their email.
you just KNEW there was a bagger at the bottom of this.
always is.
<i>In case you missed that: The FBI is investigating harassment that&rsquo;s connected to the director of the CIA having an affair, and one of its officers is stomping around Congress wearing a tin foil hat, telling Eric Cantor about the big conspiracy to keep the Kenyan Marxist in office.</i>
pretty brilliantly sums up america ca. 2012
Well, I don&#039;t know where Callyson is, but I&#039;ve said this before:
Oh, for fuck&#039;s sake.
Note to editors - your hagiographers need to be hags.
50 shades of olive drab?
I have a theory that somehow all three of them found themselves back in high school.
The 1980&#039;s band Bongwater said it best with their title track, &quot;The Power Of Pussy&quot;.
I tried to link the video but you have to sign in to watch it and I was too lazy.
&quot;It was [Director of National Intelligence] Clapper who told the White House late Wednesday, with Obama learning about it a day later. A senior administration official defended the decision not to notify the president earlier, saying that staff &#039;needed to get their arms around&#039; the matter before briefing Obama.&quot; ~ <a href="http://www.independent.co.u..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/...">http://www.independent.co.u...
So to speak.
Maybe they were exchanging passages from their favorite translations of Iliad.
How could well-educated and apparently worldly people send incriminating information via email? EMAIL? Especially when the CIA was involved? Did no one learn anything from the hacking of Sarah Palin?
And we&#039;re <i>losing</i> the war in Afghanistan? How can that be?
Somewhere in New York Anthony Wiener silently weeps.
It&#039;s now much easier to see why the automatic defense cuts from &quot;sequestration&quot; would have such a devastating effect on military preparedness: these flag-rank jerkwads wouldn&#039;t be able to afford the extra staff who actually do their jobs while generals are off in their tents fapping to their email.