I'm going to guess this asshat voted to eviscerate NASA's budget in the first place. As to creating 600-900 new jobs, they will most likely be filled by people from other states. So I don't see how that's a huge help to Louisianna anyway.

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I realize that it would be a big legal exposure to just step up and punch this fool in the nose, but damn.

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The greatest trick the GOP ever played was convincing the devil they had a soul to sell.

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Dear NASA- Louisiana is not actually another planet.

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Whack his pee pee!

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Easy way is to post your comment, then immediately edit it. The text between the ❯ and the ❮/a❯ is what becomes the link text. Replace it with whatever you like, save, and you're done.

You have to get it done before someone replies, so avoid making clever comments.

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Heh. The oldest trick in the book: let them think they'e winning.

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God made the universe with those photons <i> already on their way</i> to earth. (Actual Xtard explanation.)

He also red-shifted the light, just for the lulz. And threw in gravitational lensing as well ... the guy's a real perfectionist, doncha know.

The whole universe-as-elaborate-practical-joke schtick leads you to wonder if the fundies believe the galaxies are actually out there, seeing as they aren't needed in the scheme.

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