But... but... medical school is so <i>long</i> and <i>hard</i> and <i>expensive</i>, and they have to go through all those years of internship and residency, being on call 28 hours a day and sleeping on cots in staff bunk rooms and otherwise not having a normal life! After that, don't they <i>deserve</i> to make unholy tons of moneez?

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Rangpur or GTFO!!1!

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a bit rainy in the early spring

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There are the firebaggers who completely ignore all the shit I just mentioned and manage to whine "why hasn't Obama granted my every wish?" as well. People are stupid...

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or his penis

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can't be Wonket with clenched buttcheeks

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The en banc decision will likely overturn it, but then it's off to SCOTUS for the inevitable appeal

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except this will cause chaos everywhere and the whole mess will implode- blue states also too. Insurance companies will watch the bottom fall out and we'll likely get a death spiral. In fact, the one glimmer of hope is that those insurance companies are not going to be happy about the whole thing going down the shitter after they spent all that time and money getting it to work. They may actually be able to put the screws to enough GOP pols to pass a fix... or not

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DC appeals judge: but, but, narrow ruling... applies only to this instance...OK, can you get your fist out of my ass now Tony?

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Lord knows he deserves it

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I know it's not gonna happen, but wouldn't it be great if the DC Circuit <i>en banc</i> reversed this by 9-2?

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But (if my memory serves) he did limit Medicaid being forced to the states which has left some in that nasty gap between medciad and subsidies. So suffering of the poor doesn't seem to worry him too much.

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You have far more faith in humanity than I do. Half the people aren't paying enough attention to even know this issue exists. Half that do hate Bamz so much they're already cheering this ruling. Half of the ones who haven't chosen a side will fall for the inevitable flood of Koch brothers bullshit and completely fail to grasp what is happening. Half the people that do understand what is going on and aren't blinded by hate or buffaloed by BS and manage to arrive at the correct conclusion that the GOP is ratfucking them will nonetheless forget all about it in a few weeks because some bright shiny object will come along and cause their ADHD to kick in and SQUIRREL!! What were we talking about? That doesn't leave a whole lot of us left...

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I'm thankful to the Republican party for alerting us to the dangers of activist judges.

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It worked for Citizens United.

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I've been sitting here all morning & now into the afternoon trying to decide if I want to pull a Thad Cochran & go vote in the GOP runoff… the little thing that is stopping me is having to vote for Rat Dick Fucker #1 or #2. Which one could Michelle Nunn beat? Which one would be the less evil option if she loses?

Funny side story - One of my offspring's classmates is interning on Rat Dick Fucker #1's campaign. He is one of the most polite & sweet kids around; he comes home every day seething with pure hatred for Rat Dick Fucker #1. Says he cannot wait for it to be over & hopes to never see him again.

Congrats Georgia GOP! You have done an excellent job with building a very pissed off base of new Democrats who will be voting for the 1st time this year!

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