So long as it warms right up to ca. 60ΒΊ on the following day, by all means pray away. A torrential downpour would also be acceptable - something that not only soaks the mob but keeps it largely invisible to viewers. Wishing for a wicked round of campylobacteriosis at the Coronation Ball may or may not violate posting rules. (Masque of the Red Death is right out.)

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Rethugs used to be satisfied with setting aside special protest pens, where you could protest without being seen or heard. Now they get butthurt just knowing that it's happening out there, somewhere.

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You are too nice. I'll bet he'd expect YOU to put him up. Report back on your adventures, please, Sarge. Safe travels.

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Go to the march. The most important thing is to get a selfie with Donna Rose. For posterity. Your grandchildren will think you're so cool when she is being inaugurated.

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I'd love to go, but I'm broke. I'll stay in NYC and cheer you on from here.

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I believe everyone should be equipped with a trump hair-piece... Tin-foil liner extra $.

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I'll be there on the 21st. Hopefully, we can find you :)

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Why not pray instead for a thunderous downpour on the 20th? No snow required and will be dry for the 21st!!

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Don't forget. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I'm worried about the loons who might actually ru(i)n things.

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That fit cats.

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I was thinking this. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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You betcha I will! Thank you!!

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Do they have a pattern they can share a pattern with the wonkettariat? I'd be willing to teach myself to knit again (I did so when I was pregnant, almost 18 years ago)Trixie, you look more beautiful by the day.

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