This is a grim and important article, but there is a funny spot. I think it’s hilarious and awesome that trumps continued public idiocy is helping keep his moronic followers in jail. His hurt feefees are more important than their physical freedom. I’d feel bad for them except fuck them, they’re all selfish and entitled that way.

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It’s going to take a while, but the cracks caused by January 6 are deep and widening. Who knows where they’ll end up spreading.


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Yeah, it's shit and piss all the way down

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A famous football game between Dartmouth and Yale, IIRC, was filmed in 1955. Fans on both sides swore their team had won. The psychologists showed the films and discovered that viewing the footage didn't change minds. Believing is seeing when the viewers have already decided the outcome and vested their emotions in it.

The post-fact society can't see evidence if it can't recognize its blind spot.

I wonder if that means the best we can hope for is the ability to ask two questions:

Is it true?Why does it matter?

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Donald Trump probably has no idea how much damage he inflicted on this country. Being a malignant narcissist, his mind has no capacity to comprehend the scale of the impact his actions had over the past four years. It’s sad because even if he ends up in prison, he’s always going to see it as him being treated unfairly. I doubt he has the self-awareness to understand anything beyond the few thought patterns his brain is able to process. I don’t think he’s stupid; I do think he’s just plain evil.

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I think he's both.

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Malignant narcissist. There is never a problem with other people being hurt: the only problem that registers is himself being hurt. That is the very last kind of person you want to hand over control of the Presidency to. He just took his election as affirmation that he was the great and infinitely deserving person he always believed himself to be in head, and he treated the office as his personal playground and sinecure to milk for personal gain.

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Don't leave us hanging....who won?

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Why on earth would his body cam footage not be released?!?

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That would be a big help if law enforcement simply released video. It’s Washington D.C. - there’s surveillance everywhere! Pretend it’s black people rioting and release the footage! And does Ron Johnson really think it was antifa and BLM chanting “Hang Mike Pence” decked out in full MAGA regalia?? What a piece of garbage.

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Deep fake media.

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