Someone make sure no one from the Secret Service tries to pay for sex with Kim Kardashian.

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So...Lindsey Lohan...Kim Kardashian... is anyone else going that we've seen naked?

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I see 50/50. Megs has the boobosity, but Greta had the stupid. That is to say, that while Meg has the boobs, Greta IS a boob. Tough fight

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Or if E! pays for it.

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Is that how those Whitehouse gate crashers got in?

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All of them, Katie.

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I like Barry as much as the next guy (although probably not as much as the next woman, particularly if she is Limey Lizzie) but sometimes his "self-deprecating" humor is so, well, self-deprecating.

it wsa great when he went after Donald Chump. That's a fair target. But some of his humor does have a certain mean streak to it.

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JW: I apologize for a semi-coherent Comment. No good excuse (I didn't drink my lunch. Yet.).

There's nothing wrong with having a tough President. Hey - it's a tough job. Just sometimes Mr. Obama uses his position to get in a little extra jab when it isn't necessary.

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And ahead of her in line is Penelope Cruz.

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I have a mouth, and I can be bitter. Nasty. I worked very hard when our kids were growing up to never be sarcastic ("The most expensive form of humor," as my great Aunt Jeanne used to say) because while a child's words can wound a parent (more bitter than a serpant's tooth), a parent can really scar a kid for life.

So I know what I'm talking about. Mr. Obama has a bitter streak. He's supposed to be something of a trash talker on the court. There is a definate mean tone sometimes that is unbecoming and unnecessary.

I've heard a lot of tapes of JFK. Very funny, but he never really picked on anyone.

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There is no question 44 has gone through much of what 42 had to deal with.

However, in the very specific topic of Mr. Obama's occasional mean streak in his humor, I was thinking more of the jokes he makes about his friends - not his opponents.

Mr. Obama can be self-deprecating. And that's a very good thing in any public figure - particularly a politician. But he can also laugh at people instead of with them. And some of the folks he laughs at are on his side.

I do agree that the highly questionnable stuff has gone more mainstream - starting with Ole Newt and his battle with the Clintons and his idea that those who didn't agree with him were not good Americans.

Abraham Lincoln had to put up with a whole lot of mess - including cartoons showing him as a gorilla, etc. That's an unfortunate theme in our history. Presidents have to endure insults of all types.

Bottom Line: The way things look today, Mr. Obama will have the last laugh in November. 270, Baby! 270!

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Last Friday night I was in line at the grocery store. The clerk asked the gentleman ahead of me if he had any weekend plans.

His thoughtful response was "To stay out of jail."

Can Jim say the same thing? No posts about the White House Correspondents' Dinner...

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bring it!

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this will haunt my weekend.

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Speaking of... <a href="http:\/\/news.yahoo.com\/romney-not-killed-bin-laden-implies-obama-campaign-151652069.html" target="_blank">New ad says Romney wouldn't have got Osama Bin Laden.</a>


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