Amazing how violent extremists are Trump supporters...

But we're "sending a message" to them.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Flynn brothers for Ft. Leavenworth!

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He's out to pasture, I think it's safe to say.

Couldn't get much higher.

Doo Doo Doo Doo.

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She raised two boys who became generals


And highly unlikely that two brothers from the same family both qualify.

Just look at how stupid his brother is.

Chances are, this one is even stupider.

He thought he could get away with treason and not get caught if he failed.

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Love me some Billy Strings!!!!!

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Sometimes crappy parents have wonderful children and sometimes wonderful parents have crappy kids. I'd have to know far more about their Mom before making a judgement.

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That's supposedly why the gentleman walks next to the curb and the lady next to the building. A more likely explanation is that on the outside he's better able to protect her from cutpurses and muggers.

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Purely by accident. They'll endeavor to never let it happen again.

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All that tells me is the standards for flag rank suck balls.

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After a certain rank, occifers stop being about military performance and all about politics.

Which, side note, really makes you wonder about how much Steve Bannon must have sucked as a Navy Officer. Worked in the pentagon rubbing elbows with the CNO and never made it past Lieutenant? Something smells fishy about that, and I don't just mean his BO.

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Wow. "Fate is not without a sense of irony it seems." ~Morpheus, the Matrix

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Because he's not really the father?

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He also ate organic foods, believed in love and peace and never wore no shoes.

(Per Kris Kristofferson)

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Agree about the shirts.

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Maggots! 🤘🏼

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Cool if it happens, but I definitely wouldn't count on it. There are lots of generals, and plenty of widely spaced military bases, not to mention national guard armories scattered in small rural 'conservative' backwaters simply because the NG is a desirable 2nd income in those areas. To those populations, their oath to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, usually means distant Muslms, domestic POCs, and most all milquetoast 'communist' libruls, if they get uppity.

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