D.C. Power Players Jeopardy: We Watch So Our Intern Doesn't Have To (Wednesday)
In this "all-A" edition of DCPPJ (starring Ari Fleischer, Ashleigh Banfield, and Aaron Brown), the players traded the lead around like it was responsibility for the Iraqi prisoner abuse: First Ari, then to Ashleigh, over to Aaron, back to Ashleigh, and so on.
D.C. Power Players Jeopardy: We Watch So Our Intern Doesn't Have To (Wednesday)
D.C. Power Players Jeopardy: We Watch So Our…
D.C. Power Players Jeopardy: We Watch So Our Intern Doesn't Have To (Wednesday)
In this "all-A" edition of DCPPJ (starring Ari Fleischer, Ashleigh Banfield, and Aaron Brown), the players traded the lead around like it was responsibility for the Iraqi prisoner abuse: First Ari, then to Ashleigh, over to Aaron, back to Ashleigh, and so on.