You are a hero to the Republic sir!

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seems you have issues, deal with them with your doctor and stop being such an inbred hater

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I bet you mom married her brother and you married your own kid.

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You are just trying to hide your sister fckin family values

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Buh Bye!

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Say hello to the Banhammer. (Idiot banned, comments left for further mockery)

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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How about from Australia? I promise you that I'd be entertaining company!

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As a cis woman, I find no merit in your argument. It doesn't protect females--violent people will do as they like, signs on bathrooms won't stop them--nor does it seem to care about the protection of little boys in the slightest. Its fake. So is your righteousness.

A majority of North Carolina is already opposing the law. Its only a matter of time before we get rid of the pustulence in our government. Congratulations for reminding North Carolinians why we tend to prefer Democratic politicians.

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Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (Republican) has admitted to sexually abusing teenage boys under his care. When he gets out of jail he there are no barriers to this self-confessed pervert sharing the men's restroom with teenage boys. Why no outrage about this?

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No one is trying to parade. Transpeople are trying to EXIST. Do you call it "parading" when YOU pee in the bathroom that matches your gender identity? How about when you dress according to your gender identity? Or appear in public with your partner?

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You are obviously a decent man. Sadly, there are many who would take it as a personal affront, an assault on their manliness only to be assuaged by violence.

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Because the love outweighs the hate, and people are mostly good.

I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. I hope your day is going well.

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Wish I could claim it as original, but I read it in another Wonkette comment last week.

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And Trumpanzees.

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Can't hate on smokers. The tobacco companies depend on right-wing halfwits who refuse to believe the habit is deadly even as cancer eats away at them.

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never happen. the well of derp will never run dry, nor will the thirst for it ever be finally quenched. remember that imaginary threats are cheaply made and require no great effort or hard thought, and will always stir up the dumbasses among us for the greater power and profit of the manufacturers. it is an old, old con; it was probably already ancient when some genius came up with one of the longest-lasting bugboos, Original Sin

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