This here. Those fuckers are heavy (yes, the Harleys and the riders, present company excepted.).

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Hey, 2 days later is the Friday 13th bike meet in Pt Dover Ontario. They should go there instead. (just kidding, 250,000 people descending on that place is enough)

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Them thar biken fellows all got thems panties in a bunch causin someone said that the Muslins were gonna get 1 million folks to march in DC Washington on 911 so they started out with a matching million then they raised the Muslin antee to 2 millions then the jeebuss crew decided they would antee up a million to go also too so now you gots 4 million extree folks runnin around what is a busy place in the middle of the work week cloggin up traffic and all and they wonder why they can not just play Grand Theft Moto and run all the red lights screamin freedom to jeebuss we dont have to stop but all you communist what live in DC Washington need to stay home or wait in traffic for a few hrs and not interfear with us it dont matter that your boss may need you at work or you want to get home its the annievercity of the 911 and good Muricans would be ditchin work and ridin in honor of the poor souls them million Muslins what done the 911 killed

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My helmet is made of foil.

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But Becca, all they want is to "TAKE AMERICA BACK".

What could be wrong with that? How can you not trust someone with three (THREE!!!) posts on facebook to lead a two million biker ride?

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And why do "men's" bikes have that ball crushing bar, but "women's" bikes do not? Is it machismo/bravery?

"I am unafraid of crushing my testicles on that perfectly placed metal bar, for I am a MAN!"?

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Out of those 2 million bikers there will be 1.5 million of them who modified their mufflers so that they’re so damn loud that they drown out your radio even though your car windows are rolled up and the radio is cranked up to 11. How about the DC cops welcome them with tickets for noise ordinance violations?

And don't give me that loud pipes saves lives crap.

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Sharia traffic laws. WTF?

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This makes sense, in that paternalist, misogynist, 1950's way.

Thank the pixel gods I live in an age where women straddling things is celebrated, unless it is Miley Cyrus, because: gross.

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Best comment I found on the face page: <blockquote>Prayiing for all of you. You are all very brave!</blockquote> Worst:<blockquote>if Muslims are there throw pigs blood on them.</blockquote>

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Yesterday I was backing our van into the driveway and a jerk on a bicycle (redundant - I know) decided it would be a good idea to try to ride behind the van moving in reverse and cut between my rear bumper and the entrance to the driveway.

No, I didn't hit him and I'm glad I didn't. He started yelling and all that garbage.

Personally, I think that sort of behavior will cure itself in short order.

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What's this about 9/11? Oh, sorry, I forgot.

I know, I know, I wasn't supposed to, but I did.

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When Paul Revere was riding his horse and ringing them bells and being a Maverick and warning the British did HE halt at every stop sign?

I think not! And in just a few minutes Wikipedia will agree with me.

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Just don't forget about that place down in Texas!

You know the one!

Ala-many? Ala-few? Ala...

I'll think of it in just a minute...

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I'm stumped too, keep thinking, I have to run. I just <strong>remember</strong>ed I have to return <strong>the</strong> rental car to <strong>Alamo</strong>.

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