Ask and ye shall receive...... http://www.breitbart.com/bi...

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And have better ethics.

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Not that I remember. I don't remember if the bathrooms had acoustic tile, either. I have to admit it was kind of fun throwing the TP.

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YOU DID 9/11!!!!!!!!

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Can we get a double tap on zombie breitbart?

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Ok. I looked into this since my last post and I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to say that you're just a big ass liar yourself. Normally I wouldn't hold anyone to this kind of a ridiculous standard but I think it's only fair that your extreme, scorched earth parsing rules for judging a 13 year old be applied to you also. Right?

So, he didn't get arrested for a "fake" hoax bomb. He got arrested for a hoax bomb. There is a difference. A really BIG one. Normally, I would just call this a bit of "misspeaking" but since I'm now bound to your "Jhren fair(?) standard for Tween liariness judging ", I can't. Sorry.

So, I hate to say this and normally I wouldn't but you're just a big Kardashian ass sized LIAR. Flamin' freakin' panties (and not in a good way)! Don't even bother defending it. You can't because there are no mistakes or misstatements allowed. There is no understanding given, even for 13 yos, so you're growed-up ass sure can't claim such.

In other words, we can see you clearly lying. No sorry, I made the mistake of using your wording again. I mean, in other words, we can clearly see that you're lying.

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I'd put the odds of a few different white kids around the country making an electronics project at home near 100%. The likelihood that at least one of them was proud enough of his accomplishment to bring it to school? 100%. Now there remain two possibilities: 1) white electronics nerds get arrested all the time but we never hear about it because of some vast left-wing media conspiracy against white electronics nerds [actually, they only care about ratings, so they'd play the hell out of it] or 2) white electronics nerds don't get arrested.

Not really much room to argue, as I see it.

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I'm sorry, but I can't take this comment seriously enough to respond to.

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Except you just did.

Is sarcastic criticism somehow not understandable to you? I can make it really simple for you to understand if you need me to.

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That's not what happened, though. What you see in the picture is an intact, fully assembled Micronta 63-765A alarm clock. Not something assembled from various components. All he did was take an existing clock out of its plastic case and screw it into another plastic case.

Since then he's been telling media that he made the components (including the circuit boards) himself, that he makes processors, is building a hoverboard, etc.

In case it needs to be said, no kid actually capable of building CPU chips and circuit boards thinks taking a clock out of its case and putting it into another case is a legitimate "invention" that he's just so excited to show his teachers.

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Jealousy is a terrible thing to try to come to grips with. Hang in there.

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It's a difficult life when you have to make fun of the work of a 14-year-old boy in a desperate attempt to somehow seem better, isn't it Jhren?

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Does his family have granite countertops? I bet Michelle Malkin is on the case.

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I'm sure Dawkins is all over this. What's the agenda of the unrepentant bubble blower?

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