Why not? After all, Hitler, Stalin and Andrew Jackson founded the Democratic party.

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Then, they turned a KFC into a mosk, and I also said "Thank you."

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So do Muslim tornadoes rotate towards Mecca?

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Muslims clean up after tornadoes for free? No more FEMA! <i>(nudge, nudge ... hey wingunts. this is when you cheer.)</i>

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So that was a Muslim shark that took off Kelly Osbourne's head. The one that bit off Tara Reid's hand was also following Sharia law, obviously.

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Whew! Thank goodness for Breitbart! I haven't had a good outlet for non-stop unsubstantiated demonization since Radio Rwanda went under.

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What took Barry so long I know he has been busy bringing the Ebola from his hometown to pay the whites back for slavery but you would have thought he would have already sent the Thank you note, shit it didnt take the blahs that long to get their 40 acres and a mule

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The Coriolis Kaaba effect.

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Jones was definitely in the apostate Protestant camp, so not a candidate for canonization. Also too mass murderer. Furthermore & etc., no one expects the Guyanese Inquisition.

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