Has anyone contacted Breitbart via ouija board to see if he really goes along with his successors?

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Oh, that is SO good and I'm jealous now.

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And he's happy that they're violent. Remember he saw the violence and said "this is what we should have been doing to them for the past 7 years".

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Why am I not even shocked that he said something like that? How the hell have Republicans fallen so low that Trump is their leading candidate? This Clown Car is worse than the one in 2012.

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The cafeteria at the DC Media Complex makes a wonderful Cobb Salad.

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Is his face melting?

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What you said is just another liberal media lie!!!!!

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Oh, sweet Jesus, don't let Ted Cruz become president. I'd far prefer Trump to Cruz, because at least the Donald isn't a nut about social issues.

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I deal with conservative rednecks all the time, and they have no interest in the truth or reality. I told one of them, who is always bitching about our massive national debt, that when Bush took office the national debt was scheduled to be paid off in ten years. He didn't "remember that being true." I Googled notes from the Federal Reserve meeting in the early 2000s and showed him that it was in fact true. He's still convinced Obama wrecked the economy, with the recession that Obama started in 2006, and the massive debt Obama ran up.

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I love the fact that Dead Breitbart is Dead. If anyone ever earned an early death by being a vile poltroon, it is Dead Breitbart.

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Old Navy men's jeans stop at waist size 42. I think that's going to be a problem for a lot of Trump supporters.

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I have had similar experiences with rednecks, out of frustration I finally asked one individual from Oklahoma how he could be so stupid and have lived so long. I didn't get the response I wanted. I am better behaved nowadays. My wife finally has me housebroken, I am a kinder and gentler person now...

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You know that old saying about the South - "it's not the heat, it's the humidity?" I've changed it to "it's not the heat, it's the stupidity." Yes, I know there are plenty of dumb people elsewhere too (Kansas, Wisconsin, Texas, etc...) but if you look at who votes for the GOP, it's overwhelmingly southerners.

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They do, they just don't want anybody pointing it out.

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No, what's worse is there will be an election AFTER this one, and it will be worse than this one.

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I am always so behind with everything. Not only I'm reading Wonkette a day late, I just learned that someone burned down Baltimore! Why did anybody tell sooner?

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