i listened to both, hers first, and then this one, sounds to me it is more about the NAACP. Have a nice dayhttp://www.bing.com/videos/...

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At this point? Let them scream. Let them scream like lil piggies going weeeeeee but not the cute kind, the kind going off to the slaughter of their own making.

ok, maybe a bit too much rum in this drink.

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Awww man, this story STILL makes me all stabby 'n' shit. I'm glad Ms. Sherrod got some measure of justice at the end of all this, but I still feel some sense of dissatisfaction (though I suppose I shouldn't; it wasn't me or anyone I know who got victimized here).

I was disappointed to find so little media coverage of this settlement. That could simply be due to my weak search-fu in Google and Twitter, but I doubt it: Dead Andy's initial hit job on her was certainly easy to find in the media at the time.

I was curious that it was an Alabama outlet that reported this. Maybe there is nothing to that, but I wonder if the combination of The South, agriculture, and poor_farmers made it a compelling story relevant to their readership. I also wonder if they worried about how regional white community and business concerns would react, perhaps driving them to file a bare-bones just-the-facts story, rather than a more detailed background that showed just how awful this thing was. For example, here is another way that story was written, also truthful, but much more informative.

That link also includes mention of a Ta-Nehisi Coates post that included an interview with Ms. Sherrod. To this day I can't believe that so many in the AA community let themselves be punked by Breitbart (Breitbart!), including the NAACP national leadership, Roland Martin, and President Obama himself.

I'm also sorry that the big donors behind Breitbart's operation weren't outed in the legal process. That was certainly an early goal of Ms. Sherrod's lawyers, and it was obvious from news accounts that the Breitbart legal team was scared shitless at the prospect of that, and from accounts of the proceedings threw all manner of chaff (in their legal filings) at an increasingly exasperated judge.

Couldn't we at least made the term Vilsacked a thing, for knee-jerk, panicked dismissals of underlings?

But congrats to Shirley Sherrod. I'm so glad she stuck with this for so long. What a top-notch person she is!

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From what I've seen on the USAmerican cultural networks: mayonnaise, white bread, bad dancing and combovers.

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Just a reminder of what we were blessed with when he was alive.


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This was right about when I realized America's #1 Muslin was going to spend a great deal of the rest of his term or terms kissing all the wrong ass. Sherrod was absolutely right, her detractors were absolutely wrong, and it only took about 24 hours for the truth of it to come to light. All the administration had to do was wait a little tiny bit. But noooo. Had to throw red meat to the lions. See also the way the Bill O'Reilly bullshit scandal was handled -- by simply refusing to admit anything -- compared to Brian Williams, who was flung under the bus within thirty seconds.

tl;dr: don't feed the lions

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Dannon was one of the domestic pioneers of white culture in the 1970s.

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If you look at our district it runs through a lot of farm country and to the north a small finger snakes down towards Dayton. That's us. The district is so red they gerrymandered us to take away votes from Kettering so it wouldgo republican.

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I've worked for conservative Republicans. If you really want to hurt them, you have to go for the pocketbook.

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I was curious that it was an Alabama outlet that reported this. Maybe there is nothing to that...

It's an AP wire story; as far as I can tell, there simply weren't more details made available to report. I'd agree that the other source you link to has much better coverage, though like us they're limited to the background stuff. Here's hoping Sherrod got a huge payout, even if the price was a nondisclosure agreement about exactly how big.

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And then when yogurt achieved sentience, we were all in trouble.

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It might have just been a misunderstanding. Maybe Obama doesn't have a deep seated hate of white people in general, just one white people, i.e. Glen Beck. I mean, many of us could probably understand that specific hate. .

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Maybe if they scream loud enough he won't run for reelection. That would make Mr. Turtle happy.

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What about Bibi?

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Obviously a pact with the Devil Pat has been old for about a 100 years now.

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That happened to me with Lieutenants. At least the Navy is consistent.

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