Any and all infomercials, even the one for Helsinki Formula dubbed into Spanish.

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It's them thar other guys that are the problem.

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The Ebola scare/panic/scandal, good times man, good times.

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True dat. But the GOP already had the Senate and gained the House. I actually think that there is more cray-cray in the House.

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oops . . . you said it better.

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Elected to Congress post Governor so I'll give him/her this one.

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And "How is my buddy that owns a construction company going to be able to get a contract (with my influence) to build it if this ones already built!"

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We have graced Congress with Boozman, Westerman, Hill, Crawford, Womack, and fucking Cotton. R. R. R. R. R. And R.Beat that!

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Yeah, every time someone crows about Obama's or Hillary Clinton's "unfavorable" ratings, just think of this.

Of course, a lot of Republicans probably dislike Boehner and McConnell because they're "squishes."

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We're not even close to the margin of error yet!

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Hey, my therapist* says I should stop assuming the worst in people, and even try finding something positive to say about everyone.

*read: Mrs. Hardly

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The problem is that all too many Republicans like having a government they can hate, and all the better if it's run by Republicans instead of Democrats, so the Dems are unhappy as well. It's a win-win.

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So how do you gold plate a policy, anyway?

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This is at least partially a result of gerrymandering. The districts are built so that your congressperson is perfectly aligned with your positions but the other guys -- well, what are they thinking?

My district is a perfect example. I have Jim McDermott working for me and I love the guy. He will hold his position in my district (People's Republic of Seattle) as long as he wants to, and the next person will be the same. Those crazy fuckers over in Spokane, though, what the hell is the matter with them? Why do they keep electing Tea Party dumbasses every time? Oh, it's because that's the way their district is made up? Got it.

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Timeshare presentation.

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We have 6Rs and 1D. Gonna be hard to out-doosh Cotton, but Trey...might be too close to call.

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