I'm trying to figure out if 50 is supposed to be Chris Christie, RIck Scott or Bobby Jindal. I realize that Sam Brownback is still in play, but Rick Perry doesn't count anymore, abd Greg Abbot hasn't truly plumbed the truest depths of his stupidity just yet.

But, yeah, the phrasing here is a bit odd.

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While getting the RFRA "fixed" in Indiana was a nice touch, you have to remember that it's still perfectly legal to discriminate against LGBT people in the Hoosier state. Sexual preference and gender identity are not protected classes, so "I'm not serving gays" is as valid a stance as it ever was.

THe only thing the RFRA "fix" did was make it so that you couldn't claim RFRA as a defense against a discrimination lawsuit. "Gays are not a protected class" is still a perfectly valid defense, though.

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Who the fuck would want to live in Indiana?

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I livi livein indianapolis. It'sa verygay friendlycity. The rerest rest of Indiana, not so much. We're thinking about moving to Buffalo, and one of the reasons is that New York is much friendlier to my bisexual self.

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As I said in the comment above indianapolis is awesome. It's the rest of the state that sucks, it's a lot like Pennsylvania in that regard.

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It's Scott walker

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"Pence signed it even though he didn’t seem to know what the fuck he was signing"

Pence knew perfectly well what he was signing:

"According to reports, Pence and others may push for the legislature to clarify that the law does not sanction discriminatory practices.

However, Micah Clark of the American Family Association’s Indiana chapter, who stood right behind Pence, along with several other Religious Right leaders, when he signed the bill into law and has quite a record of anti-gay activism, said today that he opposes any such clarification."http://www.rightwingwatch.o...

Pence wasn't prepared for the backlash is all. You know, Evan, when Michele Bachmann said she (and her "Biblical Law" Tea Party Caucus) had outsmarted the left, she wasn't lying. Sad, isn't it?

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Aw, that's adorable!

Kill it with fire!

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Not a chance in a hundred- Maine's malignant majesty Paul LePage wins this one in a walk- no pun intended!

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heheh, oh I am too old and tired for that now, but I have zero regrets. That I survived my 20s and 30s is a miracle.

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Yeah, I'd like to see a list of the 48 dumber governors.

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Here's a pair of non-assless chaps.

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Didn't the RFRA fix also allow anti-discrimination ordinances in Indianapolis, Evansville, Bloomington, and one other city...forgot...to continue in effect?

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... apart from tablecloths and curtains, it's not a look everybody can pull off.

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"Hey guys, we'll even rename the 500 to The Grand Pricks"


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My choice would either be Gov. Skidmark in Dorothyland, Voldemort in The Wang or Gov. Blowfish up in the Pine Tree State.

Or else we scrap the ranking and just call the lot of them the Gee, Oh Pee! Murderer's Row. (Brownback, Jindal, LePage, Pence, Scott, Walker... Have I left anyone out? Oh yeah, the Sociopath in Nebraska also too.)

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