I am perfectly okay with Republicans voting Johnson :) Hell, they've already adopted the Libertarian Party platform in totality so what's the harm in splitting the GOP ignoramus vote now and pouncing later?: http://www.sanders.senate.g...

Johnson isn't not drawing from Democratic Berners, despite Greenwald's Paultard fever dreams. The Bernie or Busters were Libertarian ratferkers anyway. We notice how many votes Jill Stein picked up as opposed to Johnson. The Bros are not into Jill Stein :)

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I'm not buying the "vote our conscience" bullshit. Handing all three branches of government and a military arsenal to Trump's neo-Nazi entourage is beyond heinous. Third party "progressive" twits can't claim the moral high ground here and voters see through it.

Johnson/Ayn Rand's GOP are horns of the same stinking beast so no skin off our noses. Let 'em split their vote.

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I'm still holding out to see who US Magazine endorses.

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Ahem. Trump handing out something for FREE???

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Because the alternative is the Sun-Times. And I'm an old fart who needs a dead tree newspaper to hold during his morning...ablutions.

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Good point. Twatter will pay for it... As will we all!! Mwuah ha ha ha!!!

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Whomever Brad Pitt decides on next.

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Presidents: They're Just Like Us!

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In USA TODAY's defense, many's the time I have taken a copy from a hotel lobby (wherein I was also scoring continental breakfast, whether I was actually a guest or not), and done the puzzle page while waiting for my morning Adderall to take effect. Something about Sudoku and speed--it's breathtaking.

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Really? I would have thought the Trib was firmly on the left; it was my understanding that most of Chicago was thus. Hurm.

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So "auditory exclusion" sounds as lame a defense as "affluenza," which was used to keep that rich brat out of jail. Let's hope it isn't as successful.

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"Don't vote Trump, but we don't care who else you vote for". That's some good endorsing!

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Ecch. I can't read 'long and hard' in the same breath as 'Ted Cruz' without vomiting.

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keep in mind, trump has exactly ZERO endorsements from newspapers for the general election, he only had 4 in the primaries, although one was his son in law's paper, one was the 2nd biggest paper in santa barbara CA, one was the NY post and the last one was.... you guessed it the national enquirer. even gary "alleppo" johnson has 6 more endorsements than trump.

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Wait a minute. Everyone I talked to said Breitbart don't know dick.

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Is the Tim Kaine headline a nod to Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin's SNL Point/Counterpoint?

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