part and parcel of the same thing- guess who calls the shots at those "liberal bastions" like CNN?

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I truly wish it weren't so. we desperately need a bona fide fourth estate, but we are stuck with ball less stenographers and soul less corporate suckups who parrot the propaganda of the 1%


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No, it's real -- it's just that they're "creating" burger-flipper jobs now. If you want a REAL job, better to be born rich enough to afford an "unpaid internship" for half your life.

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yes. you have it exactly right.

and most people pay SOMETHING and the ins companies also profit and this is actually a fairly neat way of combining public and private interests to fill a void in society and of course, was originally a conservative idea.

tho to be fair, the void in society i'd like to fill is the gaping hole left by baggers.

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Shit will get real if they cross that line. I don't think even the Orange Man, self serving and calculating as he is- will go there

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“He was the last good dick we had in the House.” Tell that to Monica Lewinsky.

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How about if we all just send Barry all those pre-approved credit card offers they keep sending us?

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C: ALL OF THE ABOVE the self serving calculations are part of his desperation- he's up shit creek without not only a paddle, but no canoe also too. I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a sorry asshole who caused all this himself

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we shall see- pretty soon it won't be about symbolism and empty posturing for 2014/2016, it'll be about cold hard cash. Then you'll see Boehner's real masters call him to heel. Nobody would ever hear from the teatards ever again without that constant cash IV drip that the billionaires supply and if their bottom line gets threatened they will rudely remind their dopey shock troops who is really in charge. The Ted Cruz types are too awash in the kool aid to listen, but Boehner isn't that divorced from reality

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OK Teabaggers. Let's make a deal. Let Obama have his ObumerCare. If it is as bad as you say it is then the USA will go down the tubes so fast that it will make Somalia look like Disneyland in a couple weeks. Teabaggers everywhere will retain the right to to taunt all Libtards with a couple “I told you so's” and “Nanny, nanny boo boo.” I promise at that time I will only vote the straight Teabagger ticket from then on. Deal?

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and these fucking morons just can't grasp that the defining point of that statement- even Iran, Syria and Russia are more reasonable and reality based than they are and therefore easier to work with

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