Me and my dad were talking yesterday, and he was actually reminiscing about the "good old days" of Lyndon Johnson. The arm-twister. Far as I can tell, if Obama tried twisting arms, he'd tie his own in a knot.
The bad news is we've been getting it in the ass for the last 11 years. We've just become numb to it. And because we've become numb, the steel studded condoms and cat dicks are coming out.
as of 10:47 the stock market it can this be? Wasn't this deal supposed to ensure the continued sexy happytime financial markets?
<i>the agreement marked a dramatic reach across party lines that played out over six months and several rounds of negotiating, interspersed by periods of intense partisanship.</i>
Puleeeze!! The &quot;reach <strike>around</strike> across&quot; had all the enthusiasm of Willy Wonka trying to caution Augustus Gloop away from the chocolate river.
Haven&#039;t you heard, Hillary would have kicked the GOP in the balls! We&#039;d have single-payer, world peace, gay marriage in the Constitution, and a booming economy if only we&#039;d chosen the bitch over the Negro!
Me and my dad were talking yesterday, and he was actually reminiscing about the &quot;good old days&quot; of Lyndon Johnson. The arm-twister. Far as I can tell, if Obama tried twisting arms, he&#039;d tie his own in a knot.
Obama&#039;s President, where are HIS balls?
The bad news is we&#039;ve been getting it in the ass for the last 11 years. We&#039;ve just become numb to it. And because we&#039;ve become numb, the steel studded condoms and cat dicks are coming out.
as of 10:47 the stock market it can this be? Wasn&#039;t this deal supposed to ensure the continued sexy happytime financial markets?
It&#039;s either this or &quot;Monk&quot; reruns.
prick them down anthony.
i totally wouldn&#039;t go to a party that included John Boehner.
he would drink all the booze.
<i>the agreement marked a dramatic reach across party lines that played out over six months and several rounds of negotiating, interspersed by periods of intense partisanship.</i>
Puleeeze!! The &quot;reach <strike>around</strike> across&quot; had all the enthusiasm of Willy Wonka trying to caution Augustus Gloop away from the chocolate river.
Haven&#039;t you heard, Hillary would have kicked the GOP in the balls! We&#039;d have single-payer, world peace, gay marriage in the Constitution, and a booming economy if only we&#039;d chosen the bitch over the Negro!
Oh yeah, lots of new jobs to choose from:
Butler Pool boy Chauffeur Yard boy
Ummm .... that&#039;s all I got.
I fully expect some particularly asshole-ish teabagging House Repugnicants to fuck it up.
Which would give Obama the chance to shove the 14th Amendment up their greasy asses, and come away as the hero.
I can stop whenever I want ... just as soon as I check the news channels one more time....
She uses a &quot;safe word&quot;? Damn, that would have saved me a world of hurt...
Getting screwed.
The uber-rich don&#039;t hire Wal-Mart associates -- they just collect (favorably taxed) dividends on Wal-Mart stock.