I love the Proverb:"The fool returneth to his folly, surely as the dog to his vomit."

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so much sad-sads...if only there were lawyers that weren't incompetent buffoons that believed what you do. I heard that Laura Bush ran a stop sign and killed a person in another car. And she walked away scot-free. And that's the match. Cheers. You're done here.

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you're on Ritalin. Hannity has never once said a bad thing about Ryan or Sessions on TV. Not once.

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I'll be over in an hour. Your wimmenfolk sound like they are gagging for attention.

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dude, I'm sorry you mom is a whore. Really. If she had smarts, she would've gone pro like Stormy and been better off.

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Magneto: Are you a God-fearing man, Senator? That is such a strange phrase. I've always thought of God as a teacher; a bringer of light, wisdom, and understanding. ...

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My mistake. I meant to say "fear god. That is the entire duty of man."

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So sayeth the Psalms the song Kohelet.

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Verily, I did it to be seen.

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"Therein" is one word, comrade.

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But for everything there is a season.

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You still here? Get a job.

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Define "goes against nature" as there are many species where same sex relationships occur.

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The right has been crying and angry for forty years.

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You've shown your true self- someone who uncritically accepts YouTube videos as proof of his worst fears and isn't able to define terms he uses.

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