I sure there is some breaking of crockery in there?

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Thank you very much for the information you shared, it's all I've been looking forwindows movie maker

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Sorry about your uncle. Odd that list of the damned in Revelation does NOT include Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Gays, Feminists, Democrats, African-Americans, Latinos or Transgenders. Sorcerers are on it, though. Regardless of affiliation. I suppose Harry Potter is in as much trouble as Voldemort, come the Judgement Day.

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Someone asked Jesus, "Okay, but then who is my neighbour?" as I remember, and the response was the parable of the Good Samaritan. These days we've all heard that one so often, we automatically think of Samaritans as good, but since I wouldn't know a Samaritan from a can of Coke I looked up who they were. Seems the whole point of Jesus' story was that, in his day, Jews did not regard Samaritans as good people. At all. They regarded them as mongrel heretics with whom no decent Jew would even associate. ("Listen, every one of you hates every one of us, and we hate you right back." West Side Story) In modern terms, it's as if the victim of a random shooting lay on the sidewalk bleeding, and a right wing preacher walked past and did nothing, a Republican judge also, and then an illegal immigrant gave him first aid and took him to hospital. "Then who was neighbourly to the injured man?" asks Jesus, and on getting the answer, "The one who showed him mercy," he said, of course, "That's right. So do the same."I'll buy that, myself, but various parts of the Bible were written by very different people. I'm not so much in agreement with Saint Paul.

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Are hypocrites on the list of the damned? Please tell me hypocrites are on the list. They are certainly on the top of MY list.

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Matthew 23:27. Christ says "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." (King James version).

In fact Christ had a LOT so say about Scribes and Pharisees (meaning hypocrites, and people who are obsessed with the letter, rather than the spirit, of religious law). Here's a sample...


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There are a lot of parts of the Bible I don't buy either, especially the fairy tales about Jesus' life. Some parts - the Ten Commandments and Jesus' parables - stand the test of time, in my experience.Re: who is your neighbor? As I've gotten older, I've had to deal with some serious family rifts because SOME kinda right-wing Christians in our family don't approve of some others and/or feel free to judge others pretty harshly. For example, I've got the increasingly cranky brother in CA who takes his teenage sons to see Bill O'Reilly and gives them Ayn Rand books as gifts. One day I came home to find an enormous box on my front porch - his wife had shipped me a huge wooden (front yard) manger scene for Christmas. Apparently they are among those victims of the War on Christmas and are determined to fight back hard. Thank God they've got the money to do that - they are pretty comfortable, live in beautiful house in ideal climate, and are all healthy, so you can see why they're on the defensive. We have a gay, married sister and don't get me started on how unacceptable THAT is to them. Unbelievable that I grew up in same house with that guy. Ugh.

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Yes, I know that quote. It's one of my favorites. But apparently a lot of Christians don't read it. I've got a friend who has been going to Bible study every single week for 50 years, and they must skip that verse every time they get back around to Matthew. They seem to skip a lot of verses.

Last week I watched a documentary about interactions between Europeans and the first Native Americans. The illogical, irrational hypocrisy of the Europeans defies belief. On the one hand, Europeans wouldn't eat potatoes and tomatoes because they believed they were poisonous, and they would watch Native Americans eat these foods and not die, but they wouldn't change their mind. They said "They are not humans, they are animals, so they are immune from the poison." Then they'd say they had a Mission From God to convert those Natives to Christianity. Now, we don't try to convert animals. So excuse me, but either they are animals, or they are not animals, make up your minds. Nobody saw the illogic in the situation.

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No, defense attorneys are free to conduct their own independent investigations. After all, if they could not, they'd have to accept everything the police extracted from the complainant without question -- and some claims are dubious. Things are different for civil cases.

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"You'll be exactly as human as suits me in any given situation!". White people gonna white.

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There just ain't any limit to human inconsistency, especially among those of us humans who are fundie religious believers. Oh, Miss Dill. Sorry about that. And your brother isn't even unusual. He likes Ayn Rand and he sent you a manger scene? (Well, his wife did.) Does he even know that Ayn Rand was an avowed atheist who absolutely despised Christianity? Once referred to it in writing as "Communism's bastard weak sister"? Maybe he does. If he can reconcile everything in the Bible with everything else in the Bible, that should be no problem for him. It might help him to consider that the supposed founder of his faith, besides being scathing about hypocrites and the uncharitable, also said something that could be applied without stretching to the one-eyed and inconsistent. Namely that they'll strain at a gnat but without effort swallow a camel.

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It bloody well is. And I'm considerably worried. I'm Australian. What happens in the U.S. most definitely affects us. It affects everybody.

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“If we were back home where I’m from, from Greece … we would go (expletive) him up, that’s it, if you want to do that, that’s fine,” Vasiliades was recorded saying"

And right after that, it's Greek custom to go after the rapist's lawyer. Then we dance in a circle, eat and go home. Tradition.

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In my book it's "White Men Gonna White Men."

And it's still going on. White men stand on podiums and call for the return of Christian Family Values to Make America Great, then the next day they vote to take Food Stamps and Medicaid away from families with children.

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You forgot Olympics and wrestling.

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