They don’t believe he is guilty because they don’t want to believe. They get all their “news” from Fox, OANN, etc, who keep telling them Trump was framed.

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Well, I'm a socialist so I don't have a lot investment in that system to begin with.

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It’s easy to feel nostalgic for the days of Nixon and Reagan when republicans at least tried to cover up their crimes. But they know today’s rightwing media ecosystem will backstop whatever they do, so they don’t care. They’ll be as blatant and shameless as they want to be.

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I still want an investigation into how the Mueller investigation suddenly wrapped up a month after Barr took over as AG.

As it is, Barr blatantly lied about the contents of the report and then stonewalled the release of the entire report. It was one of the most successful gaslighting operations in history. He managed to poison the well and by the time even the redacted version showed how he’d lied, the media narrative that Trump had been “exonerated” was fossilized in place.

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As a military officer who served my country for 24 years, I will say with all sincerity…no, I guess I have more class than that.

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I think they should have expected the consequences. It's within their right to fight it of course, but let's not be naive to the nature of the US military here.

As for the weapons, remember that Obama deliberately did not send weapons to Ukraine. There's likely multiple reasons for it, not all of them articulated by Obama officials.

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Because we need to “look forward, not back.”

Because Jeebus knows, if Trump gets back in office, his next AG totally won’t be going after former Biden officials.

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An officer and a gentleman.

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You know what’s sad? Every time I see a list like this, I’m more surprised by who isn’t on it than who is.

Tom Cotton, for example.

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And yet you still expect to be protected.

'nuff said...

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By who from what?

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Pavel Chekhov is Liz's copy editor.

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😁 Indeed.

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The problem is that authoritarian Rethugs truly believe this is how the system should operate (when they're in power). There is no reasoning with them. If a boss rapes a subordinate and they complain, they should be fired. When someone does their job but it doesn't benefit the Rethug, they should be destroyed. Then they turn around and use the system to elevate any 'abuse' by a Democrat, even if innocuous, to High Treason while they smirk and say "gotta play by YOUR rules, libtards!". It's wholly imbalanced.

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Sounds like Lex Luthor and Otis.

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I wouldn't even give him this one. He was a puppet, he just wasn't a very good one.

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