The word racist is worse than actually being a racist to these people. They will do whatever is necessary to avoid being called racists. They have no problem being racist, they just don’t want that terrible word.

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Still a stretch, but I’ll let it stand.

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I have to disagree with that last bit. That appearance tells me everything. I have more respect for a marching Nazi than someone who votes for systemic racism so long as they get a seat at the table, and I don’t have any respect for marching Nazis.

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I’m not going to sit back and let Trump demean the office further. I agree that Omarosa is piece of crap. Calling her names on his twitter feed as President doesn’t make him look any better, only one in along line of ridiculous and hateful things he does. I’m team no one here, but calling her out that way was shitty. No pearl clutching. Calling him out as he deserves to be called out.

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You may be thinking of the Two Weevils from Corinth, Mississippi. The Good Sanitarian works for the city of San Francisco, cleaning the Republican leavings from the sidewalks.

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Ha! I did that when I was 29 and had an infant. I didn't have ANY time for nonsense.

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That seems to be the tactic that they are using and I agree that it works.

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I watched a super informative video on YouTube once that pretty much perfectly summed up the strategy of Trump and the Alt-Right: never explain anything and always act like you're winning. Your logical brain knows that the person pointing out the other side's flaws and fallacies is correct, but when the other side is always shouting and gloating, your lizard brain thinks they're right. Trump gets this, the left doesn't. Stop explaining, start shouting.

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Well, not quite literally, but I hear there's a videotape...

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"Good Sanitarian? Wasn't he one of those two Corinthians?"

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"Because this is the world in which we live - it is hard to remember which woman was insulted in which way by the president of the United States."

There is this character from the Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy, Bowerick Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged, whose purpose is to go around the galaxy and insult every sentient being, one by one, in alphabetical order.He has a computer/AI to keep track of who he is going to insult next and what would he said. Maybe we should consider borrowing his computer.

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Yah. Hell froze over for a minute there :).

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Stephen, the fact that you have tonpoint this out to people is proof that the push to destroy education and critical thinking has succeeded to the extent it is capable.

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I come from the school of thought that what you reflexively say about others is what you think about yourself. The lard ass has certain derogations on his tongue which fall out without thought, e.g., "dog" or "low IQ." Antisocial narcissists are so insecure in their own self-image that they project on to anyone who threatens their carefully crafted image that they present to the world. Lard ass is unguardedly giving us a view into his psyche. Rather than the self promotion of "stable genius," he is well aware that he has a low IQ (and of that we can be certain), and he is a dog (of that we can be certain of by his conduct and behavior and use of language). The only facet we don't know about lard ass is why he feels the way he does about himself. If we had a peek into his early life, we might be able to fathom where things went terribly wrong. That's not going to happen, however, because he and his family probably paid hush money to anyone who might come forward with information (or threaten suit).

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Trump is performing on innate abilities. He's way too lazy and stupid to do otherwise.

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