Our quality press can be relied upon to track down and get a statement from an Estonian dominatrix based on a photo from 2010, but can't be arsed to find out what's going on with "shootings" in Ferguson.

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I'd say not. The nonpology form is "apologize IF anyone was offended" (as you wrote, yourself).

Admittedly, I wish they'd just say "and we apologize for our error", but the "to anyone" construction at least implies that there may have been some people who were offended.

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Is that a Batman villain yet?

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yeah, how bout that?

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Sweet initiatives are made of this. Who am I to disagree?

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Twitter shortens long URLs automatically when the sender hits "Tweet." It doesn't require any additional action by the sender. It is not possible to post a lengthy conventionally-constructed URL on Twitter. The system will always intercept it and shorten it. This is most conspicuous in tweets that contain links to online images. It is probably done in order to conserve bandwidth and reduce the system's overhead. The downside is that when proofreading the text portion of a tweet it is harder to catch an erroneous link.

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Why all this sudden interest in Jude Law's pics?

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she seems nice

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at least it wasn't a nekkid selfie from J Law

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<i>the auto-generated link for the picture was inadvertently altered</i>

Suuuure it was. Or maybe you can blame the wind since you're offering lame-ass excuses that are obvious BS.

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needs moar casting couch

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You'd think that the anon-ib URL would have been a dead giveaway

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Awwwwww. Nighty night, sweet, funny Joan. Well, at least maybe now I won't have to see any more Kelly Osbourne our that anorexic chick.

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Sheesh, even the accidental pron is being outsourced nowadays.

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After all the unnecessary surgeries, one that was (apparently) needed killed her.

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