<i>Yes, that's correct, the upstarts who leveled the playing field and who made stock trading far cheaper for investors big and small - these are the villains; and the disgruntled guys who used to feed at the trough of the two-tiered market are the heroes.</i>

Interesting. The impact of what Wall Streeters do outside their tiny, hermetically sealed world is not even on the radar. Fucking sociopaths.

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<i>a newspaper owned by Dan Quayle</i>

Aha! So <i>that's</i> the one Sarah Palin reads.

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I would pay cash money to watch that episode of Jeopardy.

"I'll take Legitimate Rape for 200, Alex."


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No problem, Shabby -- when it comes to rich douchebags, my foot is an equal opportunity ass-kicker!

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He's entitled to the title. The adjective "elite", however, is reserved for his betters.

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I'm pretty sure the private clubs are much more affordable in Indianapolis. And much less selective.

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He self-proclaims his b(l)og to be "the premiere website for political news and analysis regarding Indianapolis and Central Indiana," so he ought to fit right in.

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"Most sane, rational people thought what I did was brilliant..."

In your dreams, moran.

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"All the hits" from his two dozen readers? You're assuming that Mr. Smug would make the effort to link to Wonkette, which I very much doubt.

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Everything you need to know about Indiana:

Northern half - flatter and more boring than western Ohio. And that is saying something.

Southern half - slightly less hilly and poorer than Kentucky. And that is saying something too.

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Southern half: where the people of southern Illinois go to 'get away from it all.'

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I was wondering this very same thing. It can't be due to the cigar smoke, he's already a rank shit.

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Sam's Club?

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Steak for lunch?

Somebody's arteries aren't clogging fast enough.

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Does it really take that much effort to say "Sorry man, no" when someone asks for money?

You know if he really wanted to upsize his douchegame to super-king-scumbag, he should have told them they could you know, <i>work</i> for the money, winkwink nudgenudge.

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Steak? You'll get only AnusBurgers here, Shabazz! Though they are Halal.

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