Let's hope he's the weathervane. So often we're confounded by how much manipulative sleaze the wingnuts are exposed to, and it's easy to forget they're not all buying (all) the snake oil.

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Terrific post. Let's add a link to <a href="http:\/\/2.bp.blogspot.com\/-tmEw25HdpoA\/UFHjVXeJnJI\/AAAAAAAABTQ\/UrI1CW1juV0\/s1600\/ghoulish_smirk_romney.jpg" target="_blank">the photo</a> that displays just what kind of opportunist was "cheated" out of the votes he so desperately craves.

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As I understand it, suburbs.

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It's a basic conservatard principle that only American lives count for anything -- and aside from David Foy (3/2/06), none of the people killed were Americans.

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Also, security at covert CIA sites.

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If it's any consolation, insHannity is using the story to further disgrace himself and Fucks Gnus.

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Crimea? Fuck, no. That's right next to a bad guy. Bad odds. Tuvalu would be more like it.

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It bugs me when people say we invaded the "wrong" country . . . it implies that Bush and his neocon nitwits made a mistake. The fuckers knew exactly what they were doing, and they were happy to whip up post-9/11 hysteria in order to do it. To this day, at least half of the brain-dead teabaggers still think Saddam was behind 9/11.

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??? That's some real time-travel jujitsu there -- I can hardly wait to see how he did/does/is doing/will do it.

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At least the floors are a lot cleaner. His aim was terrible.

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Sometimes you have to go into an election with the bogus scandals you have, not the scandals you wish you had.

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Sorry, this is totally off-topic. After all these months I am still at sixes and sevens about this whole Rob Ford mess. Back when I was just a proto-sophist, me and my just-out-of-HS friends in Western NY regarded Toronto as the shit. It was the Big Cosmopolitan City populated by really cool people doing really cool things. That has continued to be my image of the place for over four decades now; the handful of people who I have met from there in the intervening years have only further cemented that image in my mind. So forgive me if I babble a bit when I comment on the continuing saga of the unfortunate Mayor Crackpot. I am still trying to wrap my head around how such an awesome city could have elected such a buffoon.

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You know <i>who else</i> invaded Poland?

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We should get some people march in front of the White House with "Repeal Benghazi" signs. Would Fucknuts News cover it?

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Comments : Commentariat :: Bread : Bread Line.

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Al Gebra determined to strike in US.

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