I imagine so. I've seen the results of getting kicked by a horse and it ain't pretty. I also learned early on when visiting my 2nd cousin's pig farm what ornery MFers sows can be. The first thing the aunt and uncle beat into our heads was "NEVER climb anywhere near the pig pens, because if that sow gets hold of you we will probably never find the body" Also too, they stink something fierce...

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... after the wounds healed...

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Grannymiller, regarding your DEED fetish. Even is such a DEED exists, title to property, or rights in property, depends on the validity of the DEED. Who did Mr Freeloader's ancestors get the DEED from?

If you give me a sufficiently large amount of cash money (cash is important here), I'll be happy to give you a deed to the Brooklyn Bridge. I'll even have it notarized.

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A well-regulated militia equipped with black-powder, muzzle-loading flintlocks.

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Well, it's a flag, but he was berating me for not having a job, he gave me the choice of wingnut snake flag or regular flag, and I said "mmmppgpggggphhhhh"

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I want a free parking space. I know they'll support me. Also use Wayne Lapierre's yard for my dog's "bidness".

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Free grazing, free parking. It's pretty much the same except one involves less cowshit.

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Love your work!

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Let Madison Stone make you hard as a rock!

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What a missed opportunity! While all those RWNJs were gathered together, we could have had someone with a Confederate flag or a Sarah Palin lookalike walk by. They'd have followed like a herd of cattle. Just march them to Somalia. It's a win-win.

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Besides not allowing comments Wonkette should just shut down its incoming email system altogether. That'll show 'em.

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that doesn't stop drunken frat boys from trying from time to time

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you're not by any chance a Duke co-ed are you?

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isn't that teh ghey chick who took that selfie at the Oscars?

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about $1.35 per vs. $20-25 on privately owned land. Toss in the federal winter feed subsidies and this clown is getting a screaming deal. Factor in what it would cost him to drive those cattle to market old school as compared to taking advantage of federal interstate roads and rail lines and this deadbeat should be on his knees blowing Uncle Sam for all those freebies...

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actually, from what I've read from locals, his neighbors are none too happy with him. Not only are they pissed about him embarrassing them and the obvious unfairness of him not paying the grazing fees they all have to pay, but quite a few of them have had run-ins with his feral cattle- including car accidents on I-15 and cows running amok on their private property, stomping the hell out of their land and fouling water sources

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