"Researching it yourself" means typing "vaccines cause cancer" into Google. Try it - the results will horrify you. (It sure horrified me.)

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Three generations of imbeciles is ...

...a good start on a gerrymandered GOP district. Seriously, when your platform and policies are so attractive to the most ignorant fuckwits in the nation, shouldn't that TELL YOU SOMETHING?

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Only if it's officially "Opposite Day".

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I thought the Trilateral Commission traded Vaccine Panic to the Freemasons for Fluoridated Water and a conspiracy to be named later?

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They taught us, in 1964, "We don't know what causes cancer, but we do know it's not contagious." Then I learned about the Rous Sarcoma Virus in chickens. I think that was the first leak in that dam.

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Maybe when I retire, for fun I'll print up labels that say things like "Stupid Fiction", etc., and put them on bibles in Costco. Or Sam's Club, where the moron ratio is higher.

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Dok Zoom: I don't think we should take a chance on No Harm Done. I think Wonketters should click the Amazon ad, head on over to that book, and stick up for the author.

Couldn't hurt!

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Flintstones are in the vitamin section.

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And Hitler was a Socialist, also, too. (It's right there in the name.)

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I did some research. I found out some things! Did you know that Google searching for "Alex Jones eats radioactive poop" returns about 11,500,000 results, while "Alex Jones loves poop" returns only about 3,880,000 results.

Therefore, QED, research shows that Alex Jones <i>does</i> eat poop, but he doesn't love eating radioactive poop.

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every single other source on teh internet is funded by George Soros and ghostwritten by Bill Ayers

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me too also

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quite healthy for 7 or 8 hours

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We know what you think Aleksiev1. We know all about you.

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