My guess would be the drummer they had back when Chris Ballew and Dave Dederer were performing as "The Lo-Fis."


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Samuel J. Tilden came in a very close second. Oh, wait...

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"Drudge’s website actually offers a legitimate source of useful knowledge and information."

OK, I think I see your problem right there.

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He wants us to reinstate a draft? What, so we can go beat somebody up and take their stuff?

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I swear to God, there's gotta be some kind of brain virus infecting these people. Have humans <i>always</i> been as stupid and mean as these right-wing obsessives? Was such a personality once <i>selected for</i> because of some survival value?

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Great, now I got beer in my keyboard.

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"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." But more and more it's getting to be the first refuge.

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Gimme an "F!"

ҙ« <i>Now come on all of you big strong men, Uncle Sam needs your help again...</i>

Yes, those were the days.

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<blockquote>We need another military draft. Once we start bleeding again for what we believe in, then all the pathetic liberal ideals will crumble just like the sand it is founded upon… I cant wait for the resurgence of old fashion American values and hard work to make a comeback.</blockquote> Yes, let's do that... <a href="http:\/\/www.history.com\/topics\/vietnam-war\/my-lai-massacre" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/my-lai-...">http://www.history.com/topi...

<a href="http:\/\/www.redrat.net\/thoughts\/images\/and_babies_2.jpg" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.redrat.net/thoughts/images/and_babies_...">http://www.redrat.net/thoug...

Excuse me now, I need to get up and punch a few holes in the nearest wall...

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Actually, paranoia and jumping to conclusions probably were selected for, back when we were prey, and relatively few in number.

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The FL lege is fixing that.

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That was one of the arguments for <i>opposing</i> the draft. Something funny happens in the minds of politicians when they have the power and the means to compel a couple million young people to drop whatever they're doing, put on a uniform and pick up a gun and ship off to someplace that just <i>won't cooperate</i> and start killing people.

When leaders are given a hammer in the form of a large standing peacetime army, pretty soon everything around the world starts to look like a nail.

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Eugene V. Debs?

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"We need a military draft" says the person who is no doubt not eligible for a military draft.

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Alex Jones is an amateur. Where are the comments from the geniuses at Whatdoesitmean?

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"You know, If I were you, I would blast out all my comments and make me look like a fool…."

Pretty sure you don't need any help in that department, but thanks for the compliment.

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