Good point.

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I find a lot of the hippie comments come from boomers. Who were hippies. Go figure.

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In this case you have the added pressure of the pro-GZ wingnuts, some of who might be threatening them.

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I'm getting STD from having fought so long in the War on Women.

(And yeah, I realize that the above makes no sense, but I wrote it anyway, because irony.)

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Gum of a beech!

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"On your feet, soldier! Arbor Day is around the corner!"

In the past, yew wood ash Borer. But knot today.

"Gnaw wang, I'd rather balsam more. That's how I copse. Go axe someone else."

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Try using a torn American flag. If there's not enough friction, spit on it first and rub it in some dirt.

What? Just trying to help.

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"Hey everybody, we're all gonna get <strike>laid</strike> healthcare!"

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Can't let the great George Zimmerman hand-painted blue flag painting question stand unanswered. Further research on the ebay web page revealed the following note from the artist himself:

"First hand painted artwork by me, George Zimmerman. Everyone has been asking what I have been doing with myself. I found a creative, way to express myself, my emotions and the symbols that represent my experiences. My art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors :-) I hope you enjoy owning this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it. Your friend, George Zimmerman"

There's so much here for a good art historican to analyze. <i>How</i> does the painting "allow" the artist to stay indoors? Does he do so out of fear that every black person and liebrul in America is after his ass and a few of them may have guns? Or is he worried that if he steps outside he may assault someone else, such as the crossing guard or the mail carrier?

Most important: why is the painting <i>blue</i>? Doesn't he know that's a commie Democrat color?

An art historican would also be interested in the influences of one artist on another. Here, I think we can say with confidence that Zimmerman stole the whole be-a-artist idea from that other unemployed, murderous, stupid George, the W.

On the question of medium, the artist says, "The paint was donated to me by a great friend (J.S.), as far as I know it is regular household latex paint. I know its not the fanciest, but it is what we had and I needed to put these visions onto the blank canvas as soon as possible." This suggests that he bought one of those prestretched canvases and projected the photo on it, filling in the areas with house paint, donated to him by a friend because he is too broke to buy his own paint, because of that whole killing an unarmed random kid thing.

Fortunately, the painting just sold for more than $100,000, so he should be able to buy his own paints now.

The Q & A section of the ebay page is well worth reading. Most frightening perhaps is this comment from the artist: "whoever wins within the Continental United States, will receive this painting delivered by me personally."

Web page is here: <a href="http:\/\/contact.ebay.com\/ws\/eBayISAPI.dll\?ShowAllQuestions&amp\;iid=111239922810&amp\;requested=therealgeorgez&amp\;redirect=0&amp\;frm=2047675&amp\;ShowASQAlways=1&amp\;ssPageName=PageAskSellerQuestion_VI" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://contact.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ShowAllQ...">http://contact.ebay.com/ws/...

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No, but I checked out her web site and that got me to Progressive Voices on Tunein so now I'm downloading apps to my iPhone and Android player.

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BINGO. Victims retracting their statements is SOP for domestic violence cases. Prosecutors often have to call them as hostile witnesses and force them to testify or proceed without them because so many recant either out of fear or because they're dysfunctional

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... until you get your comments deleted at the Wonkette. Then everyone knows.

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Natch. Also: "donated" canvas.

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Use <a href="http:\/\/www.mediahistory.umn.edu\/images\/DicknJane.jpeg" target="_blank">smaller words.</a>

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Isn't that line from Advent Now?

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The durability of the word "hippies," used as a slur, fascinates me. The hippie thing ended in about 1972, maybe '73. What is it that frustrated rightwingers with limited powers of expression think they are communicating here?

The only unwashed long-haired person I'm seeing around these days is that Duck Dynasty fellow, and I'm pretty sure he's not on the barricades protesting wars and racism. Although now that he's out of a job, he may be heading down to the Haight to spark a J and look for some free love. Dirty freeloader.

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