That's the GOP way. Proof is hard - "discrediting" is easy when no tactic is too vile.

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bmmg39, Skilgore98, swr112261. Are these names assigned by online agency or thunked up by the user?

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You are making it very difficult for me to love you right now...

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Have the cow-molesting shitgoblins been scheduled yet?

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I know a few people in Australia who sure as hell think it's getting warmer. Not that what happens on the other side of the globe counts, or anything.

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Textopcat has the same grasp of the <i>Castle Rock</i> decision as most wingnuts have of the First Amendment. The issue in <i>Castle Rock</i>, if he had bothered to actually read the decision instead of pull out the one clipped quote, was that the police did not enforce an order of protection because under the law in place at the time it was not mandatory for them to do so. Therefore, the deceased had no greater expectation they would enforce the order than any other similarly-situated person. Nothing in <i>Castle Rock</i> says that you have to have a special relationship with them to expect them to come to your house when you call to report a burglary or assault in progress.

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"... So, technically, they have committed rape or sexual assault against each other. That was obvious to me the first time I read it. How could so many others not get it?"

I've always thought rape was one of those things where you had to be either the perpetrator OR the victim, so yeah, I guess I don't get it.

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Boorish Misogynist, Markedly Gross

I agree that the best-guess for the 39 is IQ

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Besides the fact that the US is one of the biggest polluters for C02, we also happen to be one of the biggest markets for everyone's goods and services and other countries will fall all over themselves to keep our business- all it takes is a couple of tariffs

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I propose he test the never settled theory of gravity from the top of the nearest skyscraper

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it's sixteen past the hour for that wannabe

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Reichtwingtrucknutz FTW

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The self-centered wingnut mindset dictates that only the issues and weather that apply to them and them alone are relevant. It's cold where this guy is, and therefore there could be no possible way that this global warming thing exists.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=QPbdwgDb78w" target="_blank">I believe this is what you're referring to</a>.

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stupid wingnuts don't even realize that the vast majority of US debt is actually held by the American people (including investors and corporations), the Federal Reserve and the Social Security Trust Fund. China accounts for about 8%

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