If "..." is an ellipsis, does that make "!!111!1!11111" a hyperbolette?

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There are helpful cartoons in another post.

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What, they've become unsatisfied with the legacy of Neutron Jack?

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You can't be serious.

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"Some Dok"

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Geeze, after a while, the anger and stupidity of the mailbox just gets to you. Dok, have a good vacation and don't think about this.

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I'm picturing your post as drawn by Ralph Steadman

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Why not have a public dialog on the medical safety of <i>Benghazi</i> rage? I mean, talk about sleeping with and wallowing around in the waste that should have been flushed down the toilet.

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<i>"And four lives ago, including an Ambassador of the United States Vietor, ya slime-ball. I KNOW it matters not to you slime-ball…….after all, no matter the ineptitude, incompetence, betrayal, negligence, lying……….it WAS two years ago!!!"</i>

You know what <i>else</i> happened two years ago? The Sandy Hook shooting. I wonder why the Republicans haven't been as obsessed with how that happened.

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We want answers! Do you like spiders? Why or why not? Have you ever been scared by a spider? Have you ever been hurt by one? Have you ever helped one? Explain...

Inquiring minds and all that. I could actually deal with tl;dr from these people, at least it's honest.

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You know, I spend a hell of a lot of time on wingnut sites. I send in tons of links to Wonkette and there are hundreds out there crying to be mocked. But I never waste my time commenting on them or emailing the editors. I think the deleted comments section goes the extra mile to give them some exposure. But they've just got a screw loose. That's life.

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Wait, you're saying you <i>aren't</i> zippy or a pinhead? It's all been <i>lies?</i>

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I will be eternally grateful for the "How to Detect Sarcasm in Writing" link! Wonkettte suddenly makes sense to me!

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David Suzuki is on Bill Moyers talking about climate change.

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They don't need instructions.We were all taught about this in school. When you are ready to have sex with someone, go into the kitchen and put a condom on a banana, just like they showed you in health class. Then toss the banana in the trash, go back to your partner in the bedroom and have fun. Fun your ever-lovin' brains out.

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the bankers fuck us, so we fuck their automated teller machines- circle of life

Bukakki Matata!

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