Looks like it's time for another trip to the ol' comment queue, that purgatory where comments submitted by new users must cool off until we deem them worthy of inclusion in the Wonkette Community ( bribery can help ).
Way back in 1968, my girlfriend worked for the Washington State Dept. of Social and Health Services; the welfare department. It was from her that I first heard the phrase "politically correct"; she had to attend inservice sessions that taught political correctness, which amounted to a whole list of forbidden words. Like the one you referenced, and others of similar ilk.
Hell, just go to any Bingo hall, sit down in the midst of a group of blue hairs, then yell Bingo! You'll hear more 'fucks' than an Andrew Dice Clay show
Taking, eating, whatev...
+10 for you.
Way back in 1968, my girlfriend worked for the Washington State Dept. of Social and Health Services; the welfare department. It was from her that I first heard the phrase "politically correct"; she had to attend inservice sessions that taught political correctness, which amounted to a whole list of forbidden words. Like the one you referenced, and others of similar ilk.
The first rule of the War on Christmas is don't talk about the War on Christmas.
As a eulogy for Toto, it ain't bad.
Did they even <i>have</i> Chinese restaurants back then?
Jeez -- how much did you pay for the upgrade?
a.k.a. a <i>redneck foundation</i>
tables, also too
I&#039;m inexplicably optimistic.
Hell, just go to any Bingo hall, sit down in the midst of a group of blue hairs, then yell Bingo! You&#039;ll hear more &#039;fucks&#039; than an Andrew Dice Clay show
proxy server
We &quot;cater to&quot;, also, too.
It had to be said.
dead can dance!!!