<i>He should be released after 5 years. He only killed one person.</i>

Yeah, what's the big deal, you stoopid librulls? Only one kid, sitting in his car, playing loud music. And the kid was blackidy-blah too, so big whoop. Sheesh, so uptight!

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Chemical engineers, at least, know the Laws of Thermodynamics. Which largely define the AGW problem.

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fuck 'em right in the hemisphere

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Cold Ethyl

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there's an app for that

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The derp is strong with these pay-trouts.

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yeah, but how does he feel about ponies?

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"He will be a hero in prison just like me."


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I bet he becomes a whole lot more polite toward the blahs ... so it's a win.

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A profanity filter would only be necessary if Yr Wonkette allowed comments.

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Just a wee bit of projection there. "I think this way, therefore everyone else must also be a fucking idiot."

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