Oh, dear, it's been a couple of weeks since we last did one of these features, and the comments queue may be spawning new forms of matter, like the sink full of unwashed dishes in Withnail and I. Let's see what's been stewing, shall we?
Oh please, please let it happen. A true-blue TeaParty campaign, whirling free of GOP filters, would put Jon Stewart in comedy heaven, and perhaps scare the bejeezus out of lazy liberals, just enough to get their asses to the polls. If they can suck away just 5 or 10 percent of Republican voters, that would be more than enough. Could easily happen if Jeb is the nominee, what with his being waaaaay to liberal for the wingnuts. (And as for a Messican First Lady??? No way, Jose!)
I think the Palin booster is someone doinga parody. Real Palin fans wouldn't know Alexander the Great from Alexander Hamilton. And she spelled conjecture right, but couldn't spell instincts?
Which works about as well as "I'm not a racist..."
Oh please, please let it happen. A true-blue TeaParty campaign, whirling free of GOP filters, would put Jon Stewart in comedy heaven, and perhaps scare the bejeezus out of lazy liberals, just enough to get their asses to the polls. If they can suck away just 5 or 10 percent of Republican voters, that would be more than enough. Could easily happen if Jeb is the nominee, what with his being waaaaay to liberal for the wingnuts. (And as for a Messican First Lady??? No way, Jose!)
Donas, don' tell.
Nooooooo, this is much, much classier than Fox Nation. Don't just take my word for it; go and see for yourself.
But prepare a bleach-and-Bourbon cocktail first. You'll want it to throw in your eyes after forty or fifty seconds, tops.
And extra-librariany reading glasses, also, too.
I always aim for statishhical significannsh. *hic*
With Faux providing the spin cycle?
The words "Bristol" and "understands" in one sentence?
Maddow is no dick.
Torches and pitchforks.
and votes.
I think the Palin booster is someone doinga parody. Real Palin fans wouldn't know Alexander the Great from Alexander Hamilton. And she spelled conjecture right, but couldn't spell instincts?
"The thing with Palin — she has innate Political Instints, second to non!"
Non being, of course, the operative word.
Just reading the treatise on how Palin should run, in September of 2016, it sounds like what Trump has done!
Spell-checkers are just Big Dictionary telling us how to spell.
Heaven knows, there's no racists on the Republican side.