you sir, you mock my peoples.

this shall not stand.

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In my high school, of course football is King, but I always snicker when I see the boys in their uniforms- seriously, they think that those are butch? Whatevs.

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Of course they mean the same thing now, and any attempt to pretend otherwise is just more stoopid libtard eggheadedness.

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Golf carts are only useful for riding around in the country around our house. They are great for that.

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I have golfed twice, both at staff parties, both miserable experiences, only saved by the fact that a) it was best ball, b) nobody cared, and c) I wasn't on the same team as my husband (so "No, Honey, you're not doing it right! Here, let me show you? Honey? Why did you just kick me in the nads?") Friend once tried to persuade me that "Chicken Soup for the Golfer's Soul" was the very bestest Xmas present I could give my spousal unit. I told him that husband calls the sport Whack-Fuck, so maybe not.

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Don't be such a big babby. You must be lacking in self of steam to make a comment like that.

Whenever you hear someone say "The Game of Golf" you know that whatever follows it will be bullshit.

And by the way, every golf course in the world is a 75-acre (or more) Love Canal of fertilizer, pesticide, invasive exotic plants and assholes in plaid pants.

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Belen Mozo is welcome to sit on my lap of judgement any time.

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Given that the U.S. Constitution kicks kings to the curb, I think it's perfecty reasonable to interpret it, and all US law, through the eyes of a sovereign. Come to think of it, Scalia may very well be using this one simple trick (that the 47% hate.)

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because the several of them fell into that category

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Yes, yes, this is all very nice, but when can we get around to discussing Miley Cyrus and her shocking/completely non-shocking performance at the VMAs?

Bet that post would generate some awesome deleted emails...

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Does the wingnut constitution allow different meanings of 'militia' in the 2nd and 5th amendments?

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I just realized that George Washington was not born in the United States.

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Hard work is its own reward!

Now watch this drive…

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Every time I get invited to play golf I ask if I can bring my frisbie. I have no golf buddies.

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