And a fez.

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Wow -- this week I saw the first robin of spring, and the first reference to "Hitlery Clintoon" of the election season.

Brace yourselves - derpery is coming.

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Damn, I wish I was better at Photoshop...

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You seem nice.

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CONSERTAVIVE: (noun)A right wing infantile nutjob who makes a concerted effort to be hatefully demeaning to all women because they make him realize he is inadequate. Always-on-the-verge-of-a-tantrum-Rand Paul is their poster child.

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Seems more like she is gearing up for the PSAT

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Oh heavens, not the "people who point out racism are the real racists" trope again.That one is so stale even Penicillin won't go near it.

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Roger, pretty much every post I saw from you includes a racist or sexist term. Please turn your self hate back upon yourself. It is much more warranted there, and will produce much better results.

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You gotta love self delusion. It probably kept the species alive, but it does produce some real pieces of work.

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I believe the person she will be consulting with is properly called a cartooney.

Completely off topic, and I'm sorry, but why do people who are so painfully anxious to be seen as "smart" fail to use spell check?

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see glasspusher's comment below, especially the second part.

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Reminds me of some comments I read about the film "Boyhood" by some wingnut schmuck who whined about how Republicans were treated in the film (I haven't seen the film and don't really plan to, I was just wondering how the film received 100% positive), how mean liberals are and how miserable the people in the film are because they are atheists....of course the cure to unhappiness is finding Jesus. To me, that's interesting in that even though psychology has proven religion doesn't mean a damn thing in terms of happiness, mental state, etc. that Christian wingnuts just assume they're happy because they're religious. Fascinatin'...

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Really, they told me I had a head for sin and a body for business. Or was it the other way around?

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I liked John Lennon's words for "Imagine" better. John 440's version doesn't have the iambic pentameter thing going for it. I also wondered how John 440 was privy to Yoko's cycle (I used to have a golden retriever who I would call "The Oracle of Menses" since he was pretty good at picking it up. He was a great dog who reflected the saying "To err is human; To forgive, canine.")

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Not me...they are my play things and I find them amusing. The dumber and angrier the better...I don't like bashing people who seem genuinely nice and at least halfway intelligent but are just off in their facts or interpretation.

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I like this. Think of how many stalkers Jesus had!

I don't like facebook because I have enough stalkers already.

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